
(supplements tinfoil hat with full-body aluminum-foil-and-ductape faraday suit)

@Taylor Alexander: I used to do that, now its trunk notes and i periodically email the backup of the resulting wiki.

I like trunk notes, which builds a shareable wiki, and tinker if im going to sketch stuff

Cool. But the point of the camera connection kit is, in reality, to load up movies on sd cards to watch without using up all your space on the ipad...

"That's right honey, gaze adoringly at me from the kitchen, while I sip coffee and check my stocks..."

@Cairnage: That's the stanford bunny, abusing it in test simulations is a CGI tradition.

@spider2544: It is in XSI... this is made in softimage ICE, which can handle a truly amazing amount of data at interactive framerates.

@DDigital: Not quite... this isn't for game engines, it's for feature film VFX. Simulation times run at several frames a second and render times can run from seconds to minutes per frame.

@Vibhor Khanna: Yes, but the point is unlike using a canned simulation tool TDs can use this system to create complex simulations specific to their needs - for instance, in predators they have CG creatures running through a jungle - this was used to create custom simulations of the plants and foliage interacting with

@Tyrunn: You're crazy. Lethal injection isnt the cluster you make it out to be... We sedate to unconciousness every day hundreds of thousands of surgical patients in exactly the same way. Lethal injection follows this up with a dose of potassium which stops the heart, exactly the method we use to humanely put animals

@techynottreky: It was used by Hybride studios for vfx shots in the movie predators. Objects bumping into virtual plants, monster drool, explosions, gore etc. My studio has used softimage ice (the framework this is built on) for vfx work in several game cinematics and films like the upcoming green lantern.

@thefastest: If you visit the vimeo softimage ice group you will see gpu renders with ice and octane, its coming quite fast.

@meatbag_pussrocket: Its not intended for game engines but was used for the feature film predator. Ice, the framework this was built on, runs very very fast without gpu accelleration and is likely to become a standard across the industry, so its just a matter of time. Still, ice handles huge amounts of data at good

Whats truly amazing about this is that its a creation of a single (admittedly brilliant) person using softimage Ice technology, which is going to change computer graphics across the board.

@Hairy Putter: It beams your secret thoughts to the CIA and lets them speak in your head and make comments about your mother and how she is trying to poison you but you knew that already which is why you only eat food out of dumpsters...

@Yes, they are Fluevog: The problem isnt people raising a stink, people will always try to butt into each others lives. The problem is the lawyers who put those fucktards to use to game the system for profit, at the expense of creating a world where anything you do has to be vetted by more and more lawyers until

@blehbleh13: How about instead we dont sell the application to minors and let the grownups take care of themselves without a corporation deciding what people can or cant do? ;)

Isnt it nice having a friendly big brother screening our software for us? Its for our own good, you know. Apple will protect us from the awfulness of the world. Next up, safari will scan the pages we log on to and keep us from viewing nakedness and blogs they have issues with....

You might also note that it is likely kept from falling to the bottom of the jar by its own power tether. Hmf.

They made something doable but not practical... making a micromotor flap 2 sheets of plastic. Then make it stick to the sides of a jar given a tacky interior surface. Tap on the lid while a friend gives it bursts of power and you imply intelligence and control that just isn't there. Making this less a demonstration