
We can all go to the beach and get a great tan. Theres oil there waiting for us, just roll and bake your way to a fab new look!

Glad you're happy, and I get what you're saying. But Apple made its usual extravagant claims, didn't live up to a standard they themselves set, and now are resorting to spin and doublespeak - so screw 'em. They deserve their lumps, and for too long they have been getting a pass from the public for putting on a halo in

@know1: Exactly - hacking something to make it better overall is cool. But this only introduces a marginal improvement at the expense of the entire reason for the device in the first place.

@StephenBradley: I think people would be more enthused if it wasnt an obvious kludge with dubious value... Bulk, weight, and poor performance compared to lightweight point and shoots, its a step backwards to take a superb example of technology and then make it less. Pinhole cameras, cool... This, not.

How about a helmet that warns you not to try something stupid? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of grey matter.

We must destroy it to change the future!

And now a K VanHemert promotes positive comments about a review of Helsings fire written by K vanHelsing? Do I need to put my foil hat on again or is this a bit fishy?

K Helsing writes a positive review of an app called Helsing's Fire...?

@Segador: I think thats about right...

Now THIS is the way to go. When the go terminator on us, we can swat them.

AI rule #2: "No matter how useful it may seem, do not give autonomous robots spinning blades. "

Responsible AI rule #1 - Do NOT give the robots guns.

Trunk notes on my ipad, a personal wiki that I have poured what little brains I have left into.

Cool, supercool even, but note all the vicon mobcap heads in the room... The intelligence is not onboard the quad rotors but in a set of computers and a room covered for motion control, meaning real-world application is a long way off still... Unless we cover the interior of our homes with mocap cameras, hmmmm...

She wasted her 15 minutes on an ugly blouse made of snot.

They work well and have been around a while now... Thinkgeek, take note this tech is perfect for office cubicles!

@seishino: Sure and most cg artists like those kind of projects better. But it's hard to go from project to project and try to make enough to survive, and 9 out of 10 projects like you describe just disappear without getting much viewership, sadly.

@Slinkytech: Im working on a live action major motion pic in s3d now, and have done cg in s3d as well, Id say they both have challenges. The notion that creating 3d animation for films is easy is widespread and utterly incorrect, as many studios have found as they watch their budgets explode. Scalability is the issue,

@ZINO: Yeah the s3d movement was born in the minds of executives, not artists. :(

@andymoorer: I should also add that most feature films rely on multiple softwares, much of them built in house... All these softwares have to work seamlessly together and handle data formats and camera data identically. In stereo 3d a difference of 0.00001 units in camera positions can be visible, so bit depth