
@AreWeThereYeti: At a pipeline level it is, with twice the computation, data movement and computation required. Rendered assets have to travel in ordered sequences of pairs. And compositing and post processing has to be in stereo, meaning many timesaving 2d tricks are no longer valid, and that specialized tools must

@AmphetamineCrown: Everything you say hinges on the notion that obesity is a choice. But the best evidence out there suggests it isn't. Certainly people don't choose to live in a world where the most readily available and affordable foods ( look in your grocery store) are loaded with deliberately addictive additives

@PoG: I think you're being disingenuous.

We are too quick to use visual differences among us as an excuse for prejudice and contempt. Having been denied societal permission to stereotype and mock those who are dice, different racially or culturally, we take solace in condeming the unattractive and obese, rationalizing to ourselves that the overweight are

Kudos to her for going out and living. And who among us, when given the opportunity to ride a banana yellow underwater scuba scooter wouldn't want to, despite the presence of a sniggering subsurface papparazzi?

I could see this holding true if you hand a device to someone who doesn't own one and time them. But I own both devices and If anything I go thru reading materials faster now.

Ideal for CEOs who value overpriced over engineered precision machinery to perform simple and basic tasks!

We should give it to France.

Subtitles are a joke, but the traffic girls are real. What's really sad is that reportedly the girls continue their "directions" for hours in strays totally devoid of traffic. NK is undoubtedly one of the most bizarre societies in history. Those poor people.

@Turkieshooter: I can take that soon to be useless glass off your hands, cheap.

The one thing I'm sure of is that the camera of 2030 will be nothing like this. S3d, augmented reality and miniaturization will have a much greater impact, and people won't want to hold a bulky white coffee cup to their face. Think instead of the camera looking like a pair of sunglasses... Canon seems to lack

@Xeno: Spot on!

So they carry a small amount of cargo compared to ships and trains, and move at only a fraction of the speed of a jet? Doesn't sound economically viable, much as I'd like to see airships become common.

Neat! But... Is something 2700 degrees, in a huge orbit and 8 times the mass of Jupiter still a planet?

@andymoorer: Trills? Stupid iPad spellchecker. Trills == titles

I use my kindle and my iPad both, and while I monitor B&N and apples bookstore I have yet to see any reason to switch to either. The kindle reader is excellent on iPad, the library of trills extensive, and the kindle itself is a great unipurpose device.

I'm ok with that price plus commercials if their content is on demand and extensive... Meaning not only current seasons of popular shows but an extensive library to choose from. But seeing as how my cable provider is also my Internet provider i'm unable to dump the one for the other.

Top notch giz... And Wendys illustrations added that extra touch of class to Quinns awesome article. Applause.