
I've never seen John Davis so enthused in my life. I'm glad he returns to his life sucking narrations again after this.

Behold PROOF!

I mean, It does run on garbage and all...

I've got one car to turn those Forbes suits into true believers, The Great Wall CoolBear!

I like it, it has an understated sophistication appeal to me for some reason, kind of like the average looking girl in your class who always wears contacts. You know she's there but you don't really notice her until she suddenly shows up one day wearing glasses, that feeling of minor excitement of seeing something

I think it looks refreshing. Either way, we all know the final product will be more conservative than this concept so that might even out the radical styling into something more manageable

I Like it! very fluid organic lines. It's easy on the eyes to say the least.

Now if only Jalopnik can bring me the 2015 mustang first

How am I finally reading this now, 3 MONTHS LATER! I laughed real hard at your comment, thanks for making my day!

hahaha, What a great way to start off my Friday morning!

Will you guys cut the hate on toyota biased bullshit already. You do realize that carmakers have to make a living right, hence the other models that aren't performance sport coupes in a company's model portfolio. I don't mind if you guys hate it for real logical reasons like its lackluster performance, or sub-par

It looks pretty good. a nice step in the right direction for Toyota, I'll await my new supra/Mr2 and soon your transformation will be complete Toyota.

I second Michele Mouton!

BTW, These cars have quite the racing history back in the hey day

Did someone say Beretta GTU?

everyone partying half naked in the middle of a tunnel when you win...seems legit


Wait, was Jalopnik the first ones to show us the Corvette C7 renders? I don't remember, could you remind me again?

I honestly think half of the people here hate Toyota because "it's cool" to hate on them. They're lineup is solid and although their styling is kind of boring, they're trying. Look at the GT86 alone, Tons of fanfare and they were ballsy enough to revive this segment and get subaru on board.

or how about the whole M badge thing, pretty meaningless nowadays, amirite guys?