
I second this! The elan is so small, you could literally punt it like a football!

I think this has the potential for greatness if they can pull it off. I can think of worst shows on TV than this....alot worst

I envy you so much, It's known as the best handling front wheel drive car ever; totally want to drive it!


I also <3 you. Ed is a miracle worker!

......Because no one ever suspects the Camry!

I have an unwritten rule that anyone who uses admiral ackbar in anything gets a heartclick!

Instead of giving me this, it's going to be that....KHANNNNNNNN!!!!!

Oh yeah, you're definitely getting heartclicked for that one!

This is how I imagined Keith, Awesome COTD!!

there goes 2 minutes of my life I will never get back...

I don't like this COTD (no offense or anything), it's not delightfully witty or in the caliber of the usual standards for COTD. But what do I know-

This is just a show car to take around and promote their products. It's SUPPOSED to be flashy and over the top. They hit the nail on the head for what they were trying to do.

This guy would fit in perfectly as a Group B rally driver!

I think of this random guy when i see the fisker

well played good sir!

Ferrai Fxx. Since money is no object, i'll make them an offer they can't refuse to actually OWN one

To be honest, I hate the look, but in the weird polarizing way that I know it will grow on me and eventually love it to the point of wanting it. I hate designs like that...or love it depending on how you look at it. Its something I call the design paradox (trademarked), The car manufacturers know of its power and use


hahaha, to be fair, desirable is in the eye of the beholder. I've never understood all the hate towards FWD. FWD, AWD, RWD all have their advantages and disadvantages and require different driving techniques to push them to the limit. Fwd'ers can be fun is really what i'm trying to say.