
"IT'S A TRAP!!!" They just want to lure you in to buy their crappy car!

YES!!! Well played sir!

The Apple has fallen far from the tree.....

Needs more Aerovette-

there, now this topic is officially "car-related"

I'm not even going to bother answering this because I've never seen an "answer of the weekend" posted up.

Did somebody say Replica?...uh yeah, they're totally pay me six figures!

"Is replica-building an authentic form of automotive self-expression or merely a case of trying too hard?" This picture should answer that question-

That Guitar and these shoes on WHILE driving a Delorean.....think about the possibilities!!!

Geez Doc, that's Heavy!

At least they didn't put a catfish mouth on it, so it wins in my book-

Looking good Kia, if anything it doesn't look beige! Ewwww, a Toyota Yaris made its way into my comment box, Get out of here you Ugly thing!

GMC Denali, it's just "Denial" spelled wrong-

Nice Price! I could use a new grill!

If I ever saw one of these on or around my lawn, it would go something like this-

I've seen worse marketing campaigns....

I was never a fan of Mercedes styling. Against the sophisticated understatement of Audi and the sharp looking BMWs, The Benz looks boring.

dammit, someone already beat me to the puch on this one! Forget i put this up-