
Ultimate Fighting: Milk-Chugging Belly-Bumping Alt-Right Trolls versus Shia's Creepy Chanting Manson Moderne Family. The rest of us shoot the losers.

I'm not recommending pretending the problem doesn't exist! Efforts like this to mainstream the idea of child sex abuse continue and they are completely misguided. We don't need to get inside these people's heads, or understand their pain, to know that what they do is utterly unacceptable in a civilized society and

Because it's expensive to keep people in prison and unnecessary once the sentence has been served. Kid touchers are known to be recidivists and they are known liars.

What are you taking issue with?

Not a fan of any effort to mainstream child sex abuse, not even a little bit. These people are practiced liars and should not, ever, be given a forum. There is no societal benefit in "understanding" them. Child sex abuse is not "understandable;" it should not elicit sympathy. One thing people should know is that

Exactly, because as bad as his game is it's still better than having no game at all.

Mitch with his go-to comment on a poster: SHAME!

Much love for the recurring secondary characters on this show. The principal ("Hello, Dunphys" "I don't approve of that at all"), Nathan Lane as Pepper Saltzman, Cam's Nemesis Guy, Dylan, Benjamin Bratt ("that I don't miss"), and … GIL THORPE ("you've been thorpedoed" "hand it over, Donefor").

Boston Rod is trying to be Boston Rob but lacks the neurons to accompish this parlous mission. He has no idea he's a goat, and, as such, he's a goat who doesn't even need to be appeased with unearned treats and trips.

This episode made me like Shirin, a lot, which I did not think possible. Not because of her sad story but because she stood up for herself. Will attacked her because he knew she was unpopular with The Group so he bravely went after only her, not the other two. What a douchebag. I liked it when Shirin blocked his

Leaving the tribal council area immediately, that is.

Bros before hos.

Really, ABB is more skilled so that's why the fashionable disdain LS? You are mining a deep and rich vein of pure crap with that theory. ABB had a few hits but nothing on the level of Skynrd. ABB arguably has a slight edge skill-wise but that's not what makes a band popular, and that's what we're talking about

Skynrd was one of the few GREAT American bands. We have a lot of front men with talented backers but not many truly great bands. The "fashionable" decided that Skynrd was too southern for their comfort and made up some lies which have stuck. Fuck the fashionable and their faux.

Also "Coming Up" by Mc Cartney is much better live.
Frampton and Cheap Trick were always best live. Live albums made their careers.
Also, Bob Marley ALWAYS better live.


This was the Wynn Duffy episode. All respect for the epic main characters and their actors but this show is lifted by the secondaries and side-show bobs. I love that the episode is called "Burned" and Duffy gets burned in several senses of the word. Also, saves his skin, has skin in the game, is changing his color.

Ehrmantraut backstory, yeah! Finally. I noticed the cliches but it actually made the episode better, more authentic, for me. People often talk in cliches, especially when they're dealing with the unfamiliar. Kaylee's mom has been through a lot and is trying to relate to a man who makes her nervous and angry, who

I don't think Coach actually believed all of his own bs. This guy clearly does.

Thank God he's gone. 2 episodes were more than enough for this oblivious delusional creep. Dressing and talking like a stereotypical humanity-loving hippie boy could not disguise the needy raging stupid within. He needs to work on his inner demons.
OTOH, the stereotype worked beautifully to Will's advantage.