
I've seen him on stage in Ashland - he's great!

All concerned and marking down a great episode for being an infomercial for Apple then turns around and promotes Garrett's Popcorn. This was an "A+" episode.

Of course you do! That's like totally where news comes from. CNN. And TUMBLR.

Emergency in Idiocracy! Dumbshit Defcon 5 red alert.
What will happen now without Stewart telling you what to think?
Just the fact that your news has to be "entertaining" says it all.

Shorter For Your Consideration: Journalism is only good when it confirms my biases!

oh dear.

Hahahaha! ha
Wait, you're joking, right?

Mitch and Cam not being romantic on Valentine's Day was the most authentic aspect of this episode.

You're welcome. We're here to help.

Do we not already have enough Comedian/Public Service Announcements?

Play The Clap!

Not a huge Roger Mac fan, just not a character that inspires huge amounts of love (I feel the same way about Bree), but I always felt really bad for him even so, the way Jaime treated him.

If you read the scene in the book, from Claire's perspective, Black Jack is kind of Lack Jack, like not all that enthusiastic about the actual prospect of "accomplishing" rape Jack. If you know what I mean.

I so agree with this perspective. No need to keep a scorecard in order to enjoy this show. Gender reversal would be just a dull as damsel in distress. Claire is neither of the above.

In the books the water horse makes an appearance.
Hello, Waterhorse aka _______ ________ _____________.

Claire does return the favor.
A humble suggestion: Stop keeping score and just enjoy these characters and their story. It's really good.
Waiting until April will be a drag but, hey, there's eight (8) giant books in this series. To date.

The Damsel in Distress is a boring, played-out trope but so is the All Conquering Feminist Heroine. Dull, dull, dull. Zzzzz.
I prefer characters, male and female, that are actual human beings, including with failings and moments of helplessness. Gabaldon is an excellent writer who writes characters so intensely

Don't write a check you can't cash douchetool

You are hopelessly stupid. Where exactly did I defend Gene Simmons?

AGAIN: READING COMPREHENSION SKILLS NEED WORK. "Two minutes of hate" is from what is known as a BOOK (Orwell's '1984'). It's something you READ. And may, or in your case do not, comprehend. "Two minutes of hate" is not about hating something for no reason. It's about hating something because you've been groomed