
I should add that I’m a gay man and had never previously bought tampons, so the Director wrote out very specific directions. I would buy eight boxes and the cashier would use packing tape to tape up two bundles of four and create a little handle. As I sailed down the streets of lower Manhattan like the S. S.

They should take a knee.

And the Rockettes’ red glares....

I work in academia, and we go through so much mandatory training for diversity - like every 6-12 months - that it shocks me that someone complete the training and think this costume was cute/funny/thoughtful/appropriate in any way.

I really dislike how the elderly are often infantilized. My grandma lived through the great depression, major wars, the sexual revolution, and so much else. Yet her nursing home’s sing alongs were always hymns and stuff. That shit wasn’t coming out of her radio when she lived on her own.

If asked that question, the average 11-year old will yelp “No!” in horror, because the thought of talking about sex with your mum is beyond mortifying. First, do some research on good resources that you want him to have access to. Buy them (if they’re physical books) or write down the websites, even bookmark them on

Co-washing is pretty common for people with wavy or curly hair though. I haven’t used shampoo more than a few times a year in over a decade and my hair is better for it.

“Yeah, I’m running the fetuses out to the dump. Anyone need anything while I’m out?”

Why is it always old white guys?

Bullshit. I am twice older than you. Your post is insulting and untrue.

When my now thirty-something daughter was 3, she knew the correct names for body parts. My sister was visiting when 3 year old kiddo was sitting naked on the toilet and informed my sister that “boys have a penis, and girls have vulva.” My sister came storming out and demanded to know “What are you teaching that baby?”

As someone who has taught sex ed, can I recommend you inform your children of these two facts...

“I wanted our children to grow up and remain children as long as possible.”

I don’t think people are yukking it up at the tragic deaths of the people on the plane. The article is mostly a meditation on the tiny, tiny pedestrian things that go on in everyone’s daily life, and how they sometimes can make the difference between life and death. Alarm doesn’t go off? Miss your flight? On United

If he was a guy in his 50s or 60s who had never re offended, made a contribution to the community in amends, and I knew his family well....maybe....I don’t think what you do in high school necessarily predicts the entire trajectory of your life. He should serve his time, as should anyone who assaults another human.

Actually, sexual offenders who have committed one crime are very unlikely to reoffend. And there is a huge difference from protecting children from pedophiles (those attracted to prepubescent children) or from serial rapists and protecting them from someone who committed a rape as a teen against another teen. You have

Mostly agreed, and furthermore the punishment will not keep anyone safe from this man in the future. And isn’t that the whole idea here? We want to keep our society safer from sexual predators, and this boy’s actions do not suggest that he is the type of threat that would be mitigated by being on a sexual predator

What purpose will being on the list serve him though? What purpose will it serve society?

I believe most people who perpetrate crimes can be reformed. Even people who rape and murder. Unfortunately the US criminal justice system isn’t interested in reform thus we have an incredibly high recidivism rate.

So, I’m a little torn about this news, and I’m working on forming an opinion wrt the sex offender registery. Heads up for my confused thought-spew.

Obviously I’m glad that he got convicted and I hope he serves time (I kind of wish this article made that clear), but I’m not really sold on sex offender registries in