
I’ll take them seriously the day they put forth legislation saying that the government can mandate that everyone has be typed for organ donation, and you have to donate bone marrow, a lobe of your liver, a kidney, etc if there is someone on a recipient list who is a match, and will die within the next 6 months without

Congratulations to whichever of Congressman Ryan's three kids just got knocked up!

I hope he also sat with and listened to women for whom having an abortion was not an issue born (pun intended) of crisis but of choice. Yes, it is critical that women in difficult situations not be forced to carry a child to term in already extremely challenging circumstances. It's just as important though that

"I have sat with women..."

Did anyone else think this was Patrick Star from Spongebob, at first? Now THAT would've been hilarious.

i knew this would be a private prison. I think that we should band together as a society and make private prisons illegal. Because I have heard so many prision horror stories (people tell me bizarre things) and every single one? Private prison.

What really really extra terrifies me about this story is that this was the treatment given to a visitor. If this kind of inhuman, misogynist fuckery was allowed with a visitor I can't even begin to fathom the shit that some of the female prisoners go through on a daily basis, above and beyond serving time.

My mother decided that nothing would be prettier than a semi permanent bright red rinse in my ginger hair. So she walked in and squirted it on me WHILE I WAS IN THE SHOWER.

I have dark black hair. Long dark black hair. But when I was a teenager I was not happy having long dark black hair. However It's hard to lighten black hair when you don't know what you are doing and silly me I thought you could bleach your hair with actual bleach. So I went to the cupboard and got the javex and

Normally when someone details you until you show them your vagina, it is kidnapping and sexual assault.

I was a surgical tech for 6 years before I quit. I did a lengthy stint through ObGyn and by the time I was done, I had been apart of nearly 30 abortions. Although all of them were deemed medically necessary, I honestly felt that some were elective. The procedures are sad. I'm a liberal who firmly believes in a

Pretty much anything that can be removed from the human body will look like a pile of gore. Based on the stupidity of his past statements, for all he knows he could have accidentally wandered in on a hysterectomy. It would look a helluva lot more like what he was expecting an abortion to look like than would your

I'm sorry, but the only way Chucky Boy saw an abortion performed, and wasn't there as a participant, is if he was the father. Maybe that's who his "med school friend" was, a girlfriend he knocked up and then went with her when she had the abortion. Not many clinics or doctors allow this, but there are a few.

And then I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me!

"I saw a medical procedure I didn't understand, performed on body parts I don't have, on someone I didn't know, for reasons I don't know. I decided that all similar medical procedures under all circumstances are bad and wrong." — Chuck C. Johnson Logic

Hell, I had an abortion once and I can't say that I saw an abortion.

Later term (16-20 week) abortions do "look" unpleasant. So does open heart surgery. So does a guy coming into the ER from a motorcycle wreck. So what?

Where do you live in the South? I could introduce you to my auntie. She likes to drink and has a big mouth.

I know personally 3 different women who, once they hit their post menopause years, suddenly decided that abortions were wrong. They twist logic into crazy knots to explain how *their* abortions were different and just an unfortunate situation they couldn't have handled differently. But these days! you know how younger

The man is horrible, don't get me wrong.