
Wait, what? I thought that WAS Jill....I was going to say that she looks just like the mom. D:

That’s a very strange, passive aggressive way to invite someone on a fishing trip. She doesn’t even call it a fishing trip, she says they’re going to SLAY salmon, like they’re going to roll in with semi-autos and pound those fish full of lead

This post made me ridiculously happy. Thank you for brightening my awful, terrible Facebook feed with this awesome lady.

LEETLE KIIDDDSSSSSSS!! I don’t like kids too much, but damn, something about kids in winter gear just kills me

Yep, sounds about right.

The Hide and Seek story was kind of scary. I can’t imagine witnessing someone being off and still having to play a weird game with them because they run your cult

Grande: All right, I’ve changed my mind. I don’t wanna hang out at Power 106 anymore.

She wins my heart

When he’s right, he’s right...

Somewhat disappointed he didn’t run into busy traffic? I applaud trolling via mirrored behavior. This lady is troll level 9000

NOT. COOL. Like, that is so inappropriate that it has to be punishable by law in some way since it involves a teeny tiny minor :(

Pewdiepie seems so level-headed and kind whenever he’s got something important to say...Bit of a shame I can’t stand most of his videos

That is/was some of the argument “pastors” use/d to get church-space in industrial parks. :(

My mom used to say that but with a fun twist where she made up extra horrible stories about makeup and the people who wear it. She still likes telling me that my hair is going to fall out and never grow back because of my highlights. She’s like the Roald Dahl of moms


All my mom ever has to say about her is, “We used to call her ‘Margaret Thatcher, Milk Snatcher’” lol

I kind of like that their costumes are anti-sexi. It’s fun <3

There’s this Bob guy who’s going through all the bad comments and destroying the posters, hurrah! Justice

The number of children threw me as well... Childbirth appeared randomly throughout the story, to the extent that it reminded me of Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders.

WTF is THAT supposed to mean, WTF. That sounds like some “biblical lifestyle” bullshit

My mom has lived in the US since the late 70s/early 80s and is still a very, very rough driver due to her anxiety behind the wheel...She’s had the breaks replaced on a few cars from breaking at the light instead of rolling to a stop.

My aunt came over to the US with my mom. It was a good time to emigrate from where