Why in the ever-loving fuck would someone decide to take up an entire sidewalk with their stupid battle stroller. Talk about Manifest Destiny amirite
Why in the ever-loving fuck would someone decide to take up an entire sidewalk with their stupid battle stroller. Talk about Manifest Destiny amirite
Maybe he was being super helpful and BUILT one for them out of Legos! Harvard is so ungrateful!
Get it together, CBS2 :/
My boyfriend and I met because Tindr lied about our locations. Also I ignored his first message to me via Tindr for 2 weeks, our first date lasted 8 hours, and we lived 2 hours apart the first 3 months we dated.
“Respect Are-Country Speak English”
??? All your base are belong to US???
“I don’t think dignity is guaranteed in the Constitution.”
Who in the ever-loving fuck would say this with such pride
:/ All I saw when I read that was, “suck it, loser f**s,” and her disgusting, smug face. She’s TAUNTING people, now. Ugh.
My dad’s Mexican and his mom made him good, spicy food, so he likes his food to pack a lot of heat. He went to a Mid-Western pizza joint, once, and ordered a pepperoni/jalapeno pizza. He said they put a year’s worth of peppers on his pizza and (not so secretly) watched him eat it from the back. He figured that they’d…
They’re both so embarrassing. :/ Grruhhh.
Whenever someone calls me “ma’am”, I fly into a rage. Who in the ever-loving fuck are you calling “ma’am”? TALK TO ME LIKE I’M A PERSON. It’s definitely a regional thing, though...I’m from CA, where people are offended by “honorary” titles because they imply age and/or being waived off with cynically formal language.
I heard a clip of her explanation on the radio...She genuinely didn’t understand that the contestant was a real nurse. She also didn’t understand why her act was interesting to others. >_> She reminds me of my “slower” clients who don’t know what browsers are or how visit a URL without finding it on Google first...
Yes, I would like to see a former politician become an actor. We’ve seen the reverse a few times...
This gif reminds me of the animatronic Indiana Jones at Disneyland
I sat at my desk and laughed and laughed and laughed at Obama’s tweet. He knew how one quarter of the populace would read it, including CNN, I guess
Humbert Humbert would not approve!
I didn’t drive to work via flooded freeway unscathed to see THIS. Who signed off on this? Why
Entertaining thought: even if the officers DID agree with Kim Davis, they would still take her into custody if required be law. Heh. Also, those guys look bored.
Gee, I sure wish I could come up with my OWN version of a “god” that other people had to pretend to care about in court. Too bad I have a conscience. And a brain. And respect for others.
This tweet made me laugh harder than I’m willing to admit. Trump should write copy for Hallmark or design t-shirts for Hot Topic