
Agreed, and I’d add a third reason: that kids can’t necessarily recognize/articulate the difference between “this food is still kinda new to me so I’m suspicious” and “this food actually physically repulses me.” I couldn’t even do that until I was an adult and learned about the concept of food aversions (most commonly

“Transracial” actually is a real thing, and you’re exactly the kind of person it describes: someone who (usually due to being adopted) was raised in a culture different from the one they were biologically born into. You’re not appropriating the Latin culture, you were raised in it. (Also, white people CAN be Hispanic

Students are going to repeat this regardless of what the end result is, because these types of behavioral problems are almost always due to underlying issues at home (as they were in this very situation), or with friends, etc. Successful discipline isn’t about punishing one kid to deter them or others. It’s about

The ideal solution would be to have the teacher escort the rest of the class to another location (like the library or an empty classroom) and hopefully continue the lesson there. Then the police officer can continue to use de-escalation techniques for a while longer. I’ve seen/heard of situations where this goes on

I have two cats, so I got two beds and bought white sheets for one and orange sheets* for the other. My cats will just have to learn which one they’re allowed on!

“So Much Better" is my go-to song for when I need to kick ass and take names.

Yep. Unpaid training periods for workers with (not just intellectual) disabilities are legal and astonishingly common. I’ve been to disability job fairs in my city and a lot of places are allowed to pay us subminimum wage too.

I try this trick approximately once a year (I live upstairs in my parents’ house). Now 90% of my belongings are in baskets at the top of the stairs.

I’m so glad they make lower profile versions now. I still feel like a horrifying reverse vampire spewing blood everywhere when I leave the house in them, but at least I’m communicating that fact to fewer people.

Yep. I get amazing scores on these types of tests, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s because I watch a ton of TV and thus have gotten the chance to study actors’ expressions closely. It doesn’t help me out at all in real life. When I’m watching actors, they aren’t watching me back and trying to interact with me.

My guess is they’re talking about the arthropod also known as the “harvestmen” — which is a terrifying name for an arthropod and sounds like it should be the subject of an urban legend where they steal your organs for the black market.

Dude, I have tiny breasts (well, one is tiny, the other is moderately sized and it’s annoying and I hate it) and they still sweat like crazy. I’m super jealous of this woman and her nice dry breasts.

Social security is a terrible liberal thing that needs to be cut — when it’s given to anyone other than a Republican. Because they worked hard and earned theirs, duh.

I was hoping this would be a line of clothing designed specifically to provide the kind of deep pressure stimulation that tends to soothe people on the autism spectrum. I would totally go for that.

Yep. They’re often called country-style mashed potatoes. They’re good!

Ugh, I had a friend who only used two dots. It was infuriating. I was constantly like IS THAT AN ELLIPSIS OR A TYPO?

Not defending that at all — but I wonder if it's an autocorrect fail? Last week my phone corrected “THANK YOU” to “THANK TX UZBEKISTAN OZ UZBEKISTAN U.” Somehow being in capslock made it even more hilarious.

As an educator in Texas, our school districts have been on my shit list for years.

Seriously, how did religion become a “get out of jail free” card for illegal and unethical behavior? We don’t accept “my religion tells me to kill non-believers” as an excuse for murder. We don’t make laws saying it’s okay to rob or rape or torture someone if your sincerely held religious belief is that they deserve

My mom was a bookstore manager, so I got to grow up in “the back.” It was awesome.