
As an adult with an autism spectrum disorder, let me just say we think it’s AWESOME when parents view our existence as a special kind of disappointment.

Whatever, I was constantly online way before it was cool. All you needed back then was a modem and some pretty serious agoraphobia.

According to the original OT-VIII texts, Jesus was a pedophile and the Anti-Christ was actually L. Ron Hubbard. Apparently Xenu & co. made up the whole Christianity thing as propaganda to throw us all off their scent.

Please tell me you were in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!

But those of us who don't want to choose get to stay mermaids forever, right? (Or if we're also gray asexual can our tails sometimes turn into wings? Because that would be okay too.)

The tiny little backpack! So cute, thank you! <3

I went to that Vice article about (among other exploitations) her new multilevel marketing scheme:

I’m so sorry you had to go through that stuff too (as well as the divorce that brought it back to the surface). Sending lots of love and support your way!

Thank you! <3 Fortunately I’ve got a good therapist now who’s helping me work through things.

You don’t even deserve a response, but for other women in my shoes who may be reading this - I had PTSD for a decade because of my assaults (and non-sexual abuse that I, again, didn’t recognize as such at the time). It was a fucking awful decade, particularly since I couldn’t actually seek TREATMENT for PSTD because

The biggest, darkest secret in this country is how utterly commonplace rape is for girls and women.

I loved Ben & Kate, but I just couldn’t find it in me to watch Fifty Shades. I have heard from several hate-watchers (with no preexisting Ben & Kate bias) that she was the only good thing in it, though.

OMG! I was starting to think that show only existed in my own head. So glad someone else liked it too. :)

I actually liked her on Ben & Kate. Although it’s possible I liked Nat Faxon so much that I just THOUGHT I liked his costar too.

Damn, I really did not enjoy the first two seasons of Undateable, but as a live theater geek, now I’m second guessing my decision not to watch this season!

No. I actually liked Chris D’Elia on Whitney, but he’s obnoxious on Undateable. (And then I found out what a sexist asshole he is IRL too.) Even Ron Funches isn’t adorable enough for it to be worth sitting through all the stupid dudebro jokes.

Maybe I just have a weirdly open family (and/or a weirdly private bathroom? it opens into my bedroom, not a shared space), but I’ve done both those things living with my parents.

In the US at least, budgets have been cut so deeply that public pre-K is either unavailable or limited at best. When I was a pre-K educator a few years ago, there were only 4 half-day classes available for the entire district.

Idk if it counts, but my first ‘video game’ obsession was Colossal Cave. My dad, brother, and I would all huddle around the computer and strategize our way through it together. To this day our home wifi network is named “xyzzy.”

I went to both Fox News & Breitbart just now to see if they’d posted any sort of update on this story. Nothing on Breitbart since September; Fox’s most recent article was Nov. 2, just before all of this came out. This part was especially rich (long quote but it’s so worth it):