
This thing of policing women’s pitch makes me so damn angry. I’m in speech therapy right now paying someone to help me restore my natural pitch, because years of speaking too low have truly fucked up my vocal cords. It especially pisses me off that this is happening in the medical field, where people should know

Let's take it up a notch: The Matrix with all the male roles played by women, and all the female roles played by cats.

Thank you. The largest I’ve ever been was a size 14, and even at my heaviest (180 lbs, with a BMI in the 29+ range, and over 50% of my weight coming from body fat, which I know thanks to a humiliating weigh-in at the gym I joined), most of my loved ones would have objected to me calling myself fat. My dad constantly

She says in the article that she used to weigh as much as 170 lbs. Even if you don’t consider her current weight “fat” (despite being within the overweight range of BMI), she most certainly HAS been “fat enough” in the past to have faced all of these things.

I mostly agree, except that enormous pants are awesome. They hide my terrible orthopedic sandals from view!

Apparently I didn’t read the article very well because I thought this was supposed to be a joke about why Cosby’s victims were “unrapeable.” They just loved his sweaters too much!

Oh, gross. Maybe I don’t want his dolphin shirt after all. Or maybe I’ll steal it just to spite him.

Fuck Britney’s dress because shiny, marry Nash’s shirt because dolphins, kill Ciara’s fringe because fringe.

That dusty rose color is my favorite and I would wear literally anything in that shade.

Or if you’re me (or anyone prone to narcolepsy/sleep walking/other REM behavior, probably) you’ll be up for two more hours doing stuff you won’t remember in the morning! It is a fun way to leave surprises for yourself, I guess.

I just spent a good five minutes sitting here wondering what "wacky-o" meant, before I realized the comma was significant. Sigh.

Damn, those are not as cute as I'd hoped they'd be. But thank you for finding them for me!


Heads up to my fellow disabled commenters who don’t know this yet: you can get a free access pass that gives you admission to national parks & federal recreation sites for life! It includes free entry for your entire vehicle or for up to 3 guests at per-person sites, AND discounts on services at many sites. You can

According to the casting scene (which I just watched), they were apparently about a year and a half old. So now I’m really curious if they’re going to use that same set of twins for the entire movie and just pretend the Olsens NEVER AGED.

I’m four minutes in and that's exactly how I feel about the guy playing Dave Coulier. HOW DOES HE CAPTURE THE ESSENCE OF COULIER LIKE THAT.

When I was in high school, my ROTC instructor used to brag about this one time a female student accused him of sexual abuse, and how the entire community rallied around him to defend him to the school board and eventually shamed the girl so much she had to leave town. I always thought it was bizarre that this was the

And even if they do, FUCK THEM. (I mean don’t literally fuck them, unless they ask you to.)

Seriously? You’re still doing this? I really question your definition of “facts,” as well as the kinds of sources you’re getting them from. But since you don’t seem interested in actually responding to any of the points I’ve made, I’m not going to bother making more. I’d suggest reading here or here or here (all