
Yep. They’re often called country-style mashed potatoes. They’re good!

I usually hate shows with unlikable main characters, so I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. I think it helped that the show made it pretty clear as it went on that they weren’t asking you to root for him. It wasn’t like “aww, but isn’t he such an adorable/charming asshole?” He may have been the

Ugh, I had a friend who only used two dots. It was infuriating. I was constantly like IS THAT AN ELLIPSIS OR A TYPO?

Not defending that at all — but I wonder if it's an autocorrect fail? Last week my phone corrected “THANK YOU” to “THANK TX UZBEKISTAN OZ UZBEKISTAN U.” Somehow being in capslock made it even more hilarious.

As an educator in Texas, our school districts have been on my shit list for years.

Seriously, how did religion become a “get out of jail free” card for illegal and unethical behavior? We don’t accept “my religion tells me to kill non-believers” as an excuse for murder. We don’t make laws saying it’s okay to rob or rape or torture someone if your sincerely held religious belief is that they deserve

My mom was a bookstore manager, so I got to grow up in “the back.” It was awesome.

This thing of policing women’s pitch makes me so damn angry. I’m in speech therapy right now paying someone to help me restore my natural pitch, because years of speaking too low have truly fucked up my vocal cords. It especially pisses me off that this is happening in the medical field, where people should know

Let's take it up a notch: The Matrix with all the male roles played by women, and all the female roles played by cats.

Thank you. The largest I’ve ever been was a size 14, and even at my heaviest (180 lbs, with a BMI in the 29+ range, and over 50% of my weight coming from body fat, which I know thanks to a humiliating weigh-in at the gym I joined), most of my loved ones would have objected to me calling myself fat. My dad constantly

She says in the article that she used to weigh as much as 170 lbs. Even if you don’t consider her current weight “fat” (despite being within the overweight range of BMI), she most certainly HAS been “fat enough” in the past to have faced all of these things.

I mostly agree, except that enormous pants are awesome. They hide my terrible orthopedic sandals from view!

Apparently I didn’t read the article very well because I thought this was supposed to be a joke about why Cosby’s victims were “unrapeable.” They just loved his sweaters too much!

Part of the problem is that their natural predators (filter feeders, such as oysters, krill, etc) are declining in population. Although I am totally pro-bringing in flamingos to eat the algae. That would be the most adorable solution.

They do! I read a couple interviews from the creator when I discovered the show and they said they sometimes end up reshooting bits later if the person said the wrong year or garbled a name too much or whatever. Usually the person is just lucid enough to correct themselves, though. Apparently they try to choose people

I don’t drink or do drugs (well, unless my prescription medications count, and maybe one glass of wine a month) but I love this show. The reenactments are so goofy, and I’ve actually learned something from almost every episode!

Oh, gross. Maybe I don’t want his dolphin shirt after all. Or maybe I’ll steal it just to spite him.

Fuck Britney’s dress because shiny, marry Nash’s shirt because dolphins, kill Ciara’s fringe because fringe.

That dusty rose color is my favorite and I would wear literally anything in that shade.

Or if you’re me (or anyone prone to narcolepsy/sleep walking/other REM behavior, probably) you’ll be up for two more hours doing stuff you won’t remember in the morning! It is a fun way to leave surprises for yourself, I guess.