
We had a couple my senior year, right after 9/11. And then we had what we thought was an unannounced drill until it dragged on way too long and the one person in our class who had a cell phone on them got a text passing along info about the guy waving a gun around in our parking lot. Fortunately no actual shooting

I just spent a good five minutes sitting here wondering what "wacky-o" meant, before I realized the comma was significant. Sigh.

Damn, those are not as cute as I'd hoped they'd be. But thank you for finding them for me!


Heads up to my fellow disabled commenters who don’t know this yet: you can get a free access pass that gives you admission to national parks & federal recreation sites for life! It includes free entry for your entire vehicle or for up to 3 guests at per-person sites, AND discounts on services at many sites. You can

According to the casting scene (which I just watched), they were apparently about a year and a half old. So now I’m really curious if they’re going to use that same set of twins for the entire movie and just pretend the Olsens NEVER AGED.

I’m four minutes in and that's exactly how I feel about the guy playing Dave Coulier. HOW DOES HE CAPTURE THE ESSENCE OF COULIER LIKE THAT.

Yep! I was pretty hesitant about... the whole thing, actually, but I enjoyed his Tonys performance. Would def see the show if I could afford a trip to NY.

I don’t even understand how a live action Dumbo would work — but they need to cast Audra McDonald as (the voice of) Dumbo’s mom. She does a beautiful cover of Baby Mine.

But some of us would really like to forget her work on Buffy...

The Tony Award voters would disagree with you.

As a chronic pain patient, I don’t think I understand when this technology would be necessary? I already use a transdermal pain patch that delivers my medication 24/7. I need it in my system BEFORE I start moving my painful body parts, not immediately after. Would this just be for breakthrough pain, then? Is it only

When I was in high school, my ROTC instructor used to brag about this one time a female student accused him of sexual abuse, and how the entire community rallied around him to defend him to the school board and eventually shamed the girl so much she had to leave town. I always thought it was bizarre that this was the

And even if they do, FUCK THEM. (I mean don’t literally fuck them, unless they ask you to.)

In the case of Xyrem (the medicating I was talking about), they DID do large trials which showed safety & efficacy and even applied for approval, which was denied due to concerns about regulating the drug with such a large patient base. But that was a bit of a special case, and I definitely see your larger point.

Xyrem (sodium oxybate), actually. It’s tightly regulated because it’s basically GHB, a schedule I recreational drug. Which is understandable, but it still sucks for patients that we and our doctors have to enter a government monitored registry and pay thousands of dollars to have our medication shipped to us directly

There are also a lot of illnesses that don’t have enough approved medications to adequately treat patients — I’m thinking in particular of fibromyalgia and narcolepsy, because I have experience with those, but they are far from the only ones. For example, there are only 3 medications available for fibro, none of which

Seriously? You’re still doing this? I really question your definition of “facts,” as well as the kinds of sources you’re getting them from. But since you don’t seem interested in actually responding to any of the points I’ve made, I’m not going to bother making more. I’d suggest reading here or here or here (all

So you're saying I should eat nothing but baking soda, right?