Amanda Propaganda

You're being trolled. Back away quickly.

She better get one. Because when it comes to Sansa's safety, apparently littlefinger doesn't even know how to be littlefinger anymore. He turns into a useless fuck who knows nothing, much like Jon snow. The only comment on this whole site that I might under aggressive coercion agree with regarding the absolutely

Alfie Allen recently gave an interview saying that the Ramsey and Roose characters are "forces of nature" that he believes will be on the show for quite some time in the future. I read somewhere that GRRM has only revealed the ending of the books to Alfie and D&D. Now, does that sound like Ramsey or Roose are

A couple of episodes after he rapes her, she confesses to Tywin that her and Jaime were always lovers and then is seen kissing all over Jaime and declaring her eternal love for him. They then have sex on the table. A couple of episodes after he rapes her.

But only by a little. Which is saying something.

No, the rape was not a factor in their current f-uped dynamic because the episode's director, Lena Headey and Nicholai Coster-Waldau have all publically argued that it was never intended to be a rape scene. It was absolutely dropped like nothing happened with the justification being that we all just misunderstood

And it worked with Ned Stark. That was the first time I ever read something that killed off what seemed to be its main character in the first book. And it was shocking and novel and he got a lot of notoriety for it. But then he felt like he had to do it with every character. And now, it's just played. Doing the

Three people…she was present when Joffrey was poisoned.

"The second Sansa was engaged to Ramsay (of her own volition, though admittedly probably manipulated by Littlefinger)"
"of her own volition" and "probably"…COME ON! These arguments that Sansa, who is essentially Littlefinger's prisoner, a hunted fugitive of the crown and also COMPLETELY dependent on him for her

Why would anyone read any future interview done by a show runner if they can demonstrate previous interviews have provided knowingly false and misleading information? And for the record, in five years they've never done that. When they don't want to answer the question, they don't. When they feel they can provide a

I get it. I was super unhappy with where the Sansa story went and still tuned in for episode seven only to be super disappointed with the Dorne storyline. Then there was hardhome and it was so damn brilliant. There's a little part of me that desperately hopes the point of the show is not to destroy all hope. And so I

Translation: "I can't attack the merits of your argument in any way. I've come to a gunfight with a tiny little fork, a tiny little dick and my righteous indignation that all you feminazis have the audacity to actually have an opinion. So I'm going to personally attack you because I want to join the conversation but

I totally agree that at this point you can justifiably conclude littlefinger doesn't give a shit about Sansa. Except the writers of the show argue that he does. There is where the disconnect has happened. The writer of the episode gave an interview indicating littlefinger didn't know who Ramsay was, what he was

My argument for why Sansa's rape was unearned is pretty clear. I would like one of you to dispute it, if you can. And did Martin write the Sansa gets raped by Ramsay storyline? I missed how that was something that he wrote. Somebody got raped by Ramsey. It wasn't Sansa and there weren't BIG, GAPING plot holes in that

I can buy that. Wholeheartedly. You should send a memo to the writers of the show. Per their interview w/entertainment weekly prior to this season's broadcast, they are under the impression that littlefinger actually cares for her and only put her in that situation with Ramsey because he was unaware of the danger. I

Please see my other arguments.

I don't think he's convinced he'll lose. But he is hedging his bets in case he does. That's Littlefinger. He's got an active plan he's working for EVERY contingency.

I don't like him. He bought 3 crates of lemons from King's Landing with him when going to the Eyrie so Sansa could have lemon cakes, her favorite. It's stuff like that that makes me think he likes her.

Sansa could chop off Ramsey's dick in the next episode and it will never undo what happened to her. It also doesn't wash away the fact that THERE IS NO GOOD REASON IN THE WORLD FOR WHY IT HAPPENED! And this idea that you can't judge whether or not a journey is entertaining or has value until you've arrived at

Problem is, when entertainment weekly interviewed the writer of that episode, he stated that littlefinger didn't know Ramsay was a psycho. That was his rationale for why littlefinger put her in that position. He said that the statement littlefinger made to Ramsey that he didn't know anything about him was truthful.