Amanda Propaganda

I'm saying, I've said, and I guess I need to say again that littlefinger marrying Sansa to Ramsay doesn't make sense. His character has been portrayed as someone who would know there's something very psychopathic about the boy. And a battle is coming. Why put her in the middle of it? I think if you actually read my

How about we don't marry her to Ramsay at all since we're fairly certain he and Roose are about to be dispatched by Stannis? How about we offer the Knights of the Vale to take out Stannis on the condition that we become Warden of the North? How about if and when the Boltons win, do some research on Ramsay before

To be clear, we were NEVER debating that. I don't know how you read my original comment and thought that's the argument we were having. It wasn't.

My Internet stalker has flagged your comment as inappropriate. It's like some desperate, pathetic game of "tag you're it" and "Amanda, please, please, please notice me. I can't forget you though I'm such an ignorant ass, you can't be the only one to have DECIMATED me online. But you are clearly my favorite one." The

It's not rocket science and I don't write for TV. If I did, I probably could come up with something even better than that.

Stannis attacks Winterfell and one of them loses. Then Petyr attacks whoever won. Then Sansa marries Petyr to legitimize him as Warden of the North. boom. No stupid rape by sadistic Ramsey with the stupid explanation that littlefinger forgot to check him out before engaging someone he cares about to him.

I'm saying that your argument that Sansa had a choice about marrying Ramsey is flawed. There is no choice there. Yes, AGAIN, it is logical she would've been raped by Ramsey on their wedding night. What is not logical, what's downright idiotic is that littlefinger put her in that position by marrying her off to the

"Sansa colluded" suggests that Sansa and Littlefinger are on equal footing and they're not. Clearly. All of her actions since he rescued (kidnapped) her from Kings Landing are the equivalent of a prisoner decorating their cell. She's not in a position to refuse him. Every time she disagrees with littlefinger or

Hear hear. Well said.

Right. Rape has been portrayed recklessly on this show time and time again.

Probably not watching.

Well, that sounds lovely and I am glad that you enjoyed them to that extent. I liked books one, two and three. I wanted to claw my face off while reading books four and five. It felt like I was drowning in a vat of peanut butter, like I had wasted two weeks of my life reading 2000 pages of…minutia. To each his own…

Snappy dialogue is not the same thing as psychological insight. But knock yourself out.

Yeah, forgive me, but I don't watch game of thrones for any of that. Psychological insight? Game of thrones? What?!?! They are popping people's heads like grapes in this show. Naked women are window dressing and a couple episodes ago, a girl performed a striptease for no good reason whatsoever. There's nothing

What's wrong with it is that it's not entertaining. As a member of the female audience, you can always expect that female characters will either be killed, injured or disempowered simply with the motive of advancing a male character's story. What's wrong with it is that it's not entertaining. I get that it's

I've got a troll following me around all of these websites either flagging what I say is inappropriate or flagging anyone who replies to me as inappropriate just to start some crap between me and the person I'm having a discussion with because this person is obsessed and I I've got a troll following me around all of

Where is all the agency she had so much potential to develop after being rescued from King's Landing? She sits in a locked room all day long, being beaten and raped at night, taking out all her anger on the one person who arguably has been victimized more than she has. When Ramsay had her look upon the flayed body of

It was completely unearned. I've read a lot of the discussion condemning Sansa's rape and have participated in quite a bit of it and I don't think the argument has ever been that you can never depict sexual assault. What everyone was concerned about was the storytelling acrobatics they went through specifically to put

And not just fictional rapes. Women are often killed in fantasy literature for no other reason then to motivate action in a male character. Women die for this reason in fantasy literature more than any other. It actually has a name. It's called women in refrigerators syndrome – when a woman is killed, injured or