https://xkcd.com/1053/ (visit page to see mouse-over punchline.)
https://xkcd.com/1053/ (visit page to see mouse-over punchline.)
Not the most original, but it was the only time I was ever sent to the principal’s office:
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
Counterpoint: no it’s not! It depends entirely on the type of tea - its origins, quality, as well as the strength of the brew etc. - but when paired with proper strong black tea (most of your Assams, Ceylons, Kenyas and Nepals, but even some Darjeelings), it serves to enhance the maltiness rather than hide any sort of …
Good lord, his smile is terrifying. I would not be surprised to find out he is a serial killer.
I’m so glad Bernie’s competition has been consistently women because now everyone can see that he really believes this about ANY woman (person, really!) running against him. “They’re not as good as me, people just like them because they’re women/young/black/whatever! You naive shmucks...”
I’ve never liked Sanders but ever since he entered this race after Elizabeth Warren I have a visceral hatred of him.
Seriously. Warren has the specifics on her policy/proposals/platforms in a way that Bernie didn’t even when he was still refusing to accept defeat in 2016. It has impressed a LOT of people.
I mean...this is kinda his MO. If anyone is doing better than him (especially a woman), his default is to assume and say it’s because of gender bias. It’s one of the many reasons he is someone I do not support.
“...[Melania] Trump is a “fun” and engaged boss.”
Death penalty isn’t even the most glaring hypocrisy. That award goes to: infant mortality. Alabama and other radical right states have some of the worst outcomes in the country. They literally don’t care about dead babies, they just want bitches to suffer.
Speaking as a retail worker of too many years, they also like to talk at length to people who physically cannot leave.
I really enjoyed the year empire waists were in. They were fun and swingy, and flattering on me, with all the ventilation of an unbelted dress (no ac at work)
But we currently inhabit the world where servers and other folks are not paid a decent wage, so...tip.
She’s not going to date you, Don. Give it a rest.
I also like that Seth Meyers has regular segments where he brings out one of his writers to comment on a topic that maybe he, as a straight white man, shouldn’t be dipping his toes into. Amber Ruffin routinely does a great job at this and I loved her going after Megyn Kelly after the whole blackface/Halloween stuff.