Amanda Greathouse

It is a real lost opportunity for the Democrats as Trump is terrified of strong, smart women. Look how easily Merkel put him in his place. I pray Sanders does win because Biden has many of the same personality flaws as Trump, and I am not looking forward to this election being decided by a pushup contest. 

So if you don’t know anything about a candidate, you just pick them on what your prefered race and gender are. Sounds completely reasonable.

No, they only started calling her a snake when she claimed that Bernie said a woman couldn’t be president and that he was badmouthing her. Two things he has never done.

Our first woman president will be a VP who steps into office because one of these old white men kick off. It’s really depressing that’s where we need to start, but I’m beginning to think there’s no other way.

I’m not going to hold her accountable and she is not an abused woman cowering and covering her husband’s faults. However she is married to that man and has to have heard at least some racist jokes, language. So you’ll understand why some of us have misgivings about her and her response comes across as self righteous.

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

I wonder if this will usher in a wave for young women to learn about Aaliyah or is this staple for the current crowd who grew up with her?

According to Teh Googles, Kit Harington is 5-foot-8 and Rose Leslie is 5-6. Emilia Clarke is 5-2, so that coupling would work, height-wise, as well.

:::::Googles Dothraki fuckboy::::Holy shit!

“You know one thing, Jon Snow.”

And he quit his job without giving prior notice!

Brad has always been a relationship chameleon. Remember when he and Gwyneth had the same hair?

I really don’t like that I’m defending Brad Pitt right now, but why can’t he be into both?

Those two go together like the tomatoes and basil in my salad.

I once recited poetry to get laid, I can’t blame Brad here.

It’s amazing how quickly Brad Pitt dropped any pretense of being a philanthropist and went right back to the “I’m into art and hanging out at concerts” Brad Pitt from yesteryear.

I hope Zarya becomes canonically hetero. I don’t really care, but I do find it interesting that everyone is going “Ofc Zarya is gay, look at her!”.

she’s an icon and i luv her.

this is it
The genius lies in the, "how the fuck can you get a studio backed movie in theatres, in which a character plays a casio keyboard while moving dozens of sausages on pulleys anchored by his fingers" factor.