Amanda Greathouse

If Biden gets the nom he needs to ask Warren, if Bernie gets the nom, he needs to ask Klobuchar. We need a ticket with both a moderate /and/ a progressive, if we want both the moderate /and/ the progressive wings of the party to turn out the vote. Otherwise we /will/ get a second term of trump, regardless who gets the

This is the same thing I told my husband and my mother. And what else, I’d like to say... I love Warren. If Bernie gets the nom, he needs to ask Klobuchar to be his VP though, so that it is a Moderate and a Progressive, same as if Biden gets the nom, he should ask Warren, for the same reasons. The only way we are

They should’ve died his hair blue and put the singing clip in a Cersei flashback. If they’d done the hair, with the song and voice, he could’ve been the Blue Bard, a worthwhile minor character for an appearance as he was a pivotal part of the septon arresting Cersei and Margeary and thus would have made sense as a

I was in from the moment I read ‘Queen Latifah’. Now I have to see this. She’s one of the most undercredited actresses. I remember her from the time I was a KID kid, being gorgeous and fucking strong, and -hilarious-. I can’t think of anything I’ve ever seen her in that she hasn’t done beautifully. I still have to see

omg yassssss. you love stevie as much as I do! she’s got a beautiful voice, and is the reason why Coven will always be my favorite season of AHS. She’s basically 80% of my fashion goals, and has a voice I could only dream of. the gypsy witch queen.

Tyrion had no lines - disappointing.

Sad, yes, but sort of perfect. Why?

The one who hired the Hound (or was going to) to help with ‘farm work’ and whose daughter made rabbit stew and Arya was horrified when the Hound took their coin? I -just- saw that scene watching a ‘rewind’ vid of the Hound on youtube which showed his entire show arc. I can’t wait till there’s a copy somewhere I can

As a fellow lover of the first three shows you mentioned (haven’t watched the other two), if you haven’t gotten into it yet: I recommend ‘Archer’.

*raises hand* I’m part of the 9%. I want a tiny house on wheels, made to spec, and am currently saving for building materials for just that. It’s -not- for everyone, and that’s okay. If it was for you, you’d know it, and be enthused that there’s 9 WHOLE percent of other people on board with you.

Wow. I positively adore this. The dialogue could have been better or more intricate perhaps, but I didn’t have any interest in the setting of the Doom of Valyria (honestly, I still don’t but like the idea of seeing something in the Freehold) OR seeing this in animated format, and both turned out to be quite charming.


Heartbreaking and scary. Not only was Lafayette single handedly responsible for my actually watching that show, but I just hit my 30s and heart failure is a major thing for killing people in my family, so it hits too close to home on a personal front. He died the same way my favorite uncle did. And he died way too

Except... if it fell out of billy MiB’s pocket in the modern timeline when he shows up and drags Delores to the barn, it would make perfect sense for the picture not to be subject to decades of weathering, explain why it wasn’t buried deeper, and make perfect sense, timingwise, as to when D’s dad found it.

I am so goddamn happy to hear this. I loved this show and was crushed when I found out it was cancelled.

Seeing that 1 tweet is just gd heartbreaking whre she’s referred to as bby girl. now I can just picture her mother calling her that, and it feels entirely too personal. That poor, poor girl.

Yes, but now you can PAY to fix them. >.>

I absolutely adored Wilmore. He even beats Colbert out for me. Mahr’s always been kind of a dick, but he’s only getting worse with age.


Socialism? Yes. Please.