Amanda Greathouse

Yes, thank you. Also this episode ended with her kissing Jason, not Hoyt, and Hoyt -has- a girlfriend. And as was pointed out earlier in the season, he lives in a place where for months on end it's almost never dark, so even if by a long shot they DID get back together, one of them would have to give their whole life

Torture room is also sex room, both are black leather and have her in a bustier watching people chained up.... Violet is like a checklist of all things scorpio. I am a scorpio. I'm sad she's dead. :(

This picture is you? I thought it WAS Rick Grimes (well, the actor playing him, in costume, on a lunch break) until I clicked to the story from the mainpage and saw it was a cosplay. That is, and I mean this when I say it, the best cosplay I've literally ever seen in my life.

Awesome. That's the best Rick Grimes cosplay I've ever seen. I thought it -was- a pic of the actor off set when I was scrolling down the main page, it wasn't until I came to the page and saw the cosplay tag that I knew it wasn't. *slow clap*

It's less heartbreaking and more just.... surreal to me, like it was the day that I found out Aaliyah died, back in high school. I'm going to miss the hell out of his humor, talent, and charisma. This is a sad day for the world of comedy, and the world at large, as well.

I think that expecting others to change their behaviors based on personal beliefs is a fools errand, and not just that, but a great example of something I'm very much against. Let's look at it from another perspective: Life is sacred from conception to certain lawmakers/doctors/orgs, should this prevent a woman from

It's like this, my mom raised me to believe that we are all equal. Every last person on this planet. And we all have a culture. And that sharing who you are and your heritage is something to be proud of, not something that is wrong somehow. I can't believe how many times I've been accused of being racist for simply

Leonard Crow Dog, Russell Means, Mary Crow Dog, Leonard Peltier, Wesley Bad Heart Bull, Frank Fools Crow... these are just a few of the names of those involved in one of the better known conflicts with natives in the last half century (the incident/second standoff at wounded knee, in 1973, as well as, in the case of

I find the idea of cultural appropriation ridiculous to begin with. And the idea that SOME groups of people are okay to act one way, and others are major assholes to do it, all based on skin color is a huge sign with 'Hi, clearly we're not all equal when one person doing something is okay but another is not because of

That depends highly on the career you choose, actually. If you are working in a prison you have a really high chance of working with a lot of people with BPD and few, if any, people victimized by them, due to the high percentage of prisoners incarcerated for drug offenses and the tie between drug addiction and the

Thanks, I'm glad we can agree that killing something is the epitome of harm. And statistics bear out the fact that 1 in 10 successfully kill themselves, not others. Talk into the vacuum as much as you want at this point. That was the exact point I was making.

Considering one in 10 people with BPD is not a murderer, that automatically PROVES that they physically harm themselves more than others. 1 in 10 do manage to kill THEMSELVES, but not OTHERS. But by all means, please continue to try and argue your points with me like they will change my stance which is based on sound

Where did anyone say that ANY other person doesn't need a therapist?

I assumed that someone with 'multiple' addictions faced down, a child, bulimia, et al, who also has a child was probably a little older than 27 (my age), but maybe you packed it all in young. And I don't understand how 'you are wrong because my personal experience is X' is not telling me I'm wrong. I never said that

"The initial statements made in this thread about self harm being the real problem, and not harming others, is simply not true, and misrepresents the nature of the disorder, in a large number of cases - which is something we all thought you might want to know, considering your interest in this area."

And the context was that when it's a person who has BPD and someone who does not, which one is a psychologist more likely going to be treating? That says nothing about my intent to specifically treat BPD to the exclusion of anything else. Beyond that, yeah, people typically go to school for a career to do the things

Please point me to any post I made which said I specifically planned to treat people with BPD. Then point me to the place where I said I got my information out of a book (other than the DSM, which is a pretty fucking reliably known resource for diagnostics). Further, please tell me why you being hurt by someone tells

I thought the book was frankly terrifying, myself, and yes, not that far from how I picture the situation in a caliphate (especially given the 'temporary wives' allotted simply for the purpose of sex/reproduction that I've read about). I can't fathom anyone WANTING to be in that position, knowing ahead of time what it

I have gotten literally 0% of the statistics and information that I've posted about in this thread (whether it be about pedophilia as my other conversation is, or bpd as this one is) from the sick person in question (aside from emotional information about the feelings that the handful of pedophiles I have spoken with

I like blue, but much more so in men than women (I think it's because my sister and mother both have blue eyes so too similar in a woman to find particularly attractive). My husband has blue eyes. I think the big trick with brown eyes is getting the lighting right to make the actual color *pop*, because since it's so