don't mess with public education

Hey, I remember the chair doing pretty well for at least the first couple of questions - I wouldn’t have dignified Eastwood with responses either. Plus it consistently overlooked how the confused old man it was debating with kept mistaking it for the President.

“Clint Eastwood, once defeated by empty chair in Debate...”

Reminds me of Trump letting one of his wives run one of his casinos “for shits and giggles”, then firing her when he learned to his horror that she was more successful at it than he was.

Bumping up especially now that we have the “self reliant” party running the country into the ground.

Most of the people that loved that movie would have just glazed eyes over all that anyways. They didn’t go to see it to hear about PTST, the damage and aftermath service can do and the woefully inadequate support we have for helping our trained killing machines after we don’t need them to kill anymore.

It’s as if feeling the need to chop down your wife to feel like a man might mean you’re not much of a man to begin with.

This is a much more fitting remembrance, thank you for sharing.

so sad. any child of the 70s knows her work well and any child of a single divorced mother knows these stories and headlines and their effect too.

Go to any random clip of Eastwood’s movies on Youtube (Dirty Harry, for instance), and drown in a litany of “back when there were still real mencomments.

I’m okay with this so long as his future obit is written as “Clint Eastwood, mortal enemy of empty chair, dies at X”

An acquaintance of mine had an uncle who wrote a screenplay and produced an Eastwood film (I won’t name which one). According to the family lore, he had another film deal, and Eastwood cut him out of it completely. He sued and won, but Eastwood ensured he never got any more work. Their much longer account of the

I’m so sad! I had coffee with Ms. Locke a few years ago to discuss a project. She was so lovely. Kind, smart, a little eccentric, but really a joy to spend a morning drinking coffee (she had tea) and talking about film. She was such a talented woman, both as an actress and filmmaker. She will be missed. 

“Ten billion dollars”


“My work” means getting work done, like when she disappeared for weeks because she was “resting” and magically showed up with new boobs.  The ghost of Joan Rivers is looking at Melania’s face and telling her to step away from the knife.

Jezebel - I expect more from my primary outlet for wasting time at work!Get to the real story here -- how unbelievably fucking bad that hair color is on her!  The people are hungry for the truth

But the odds will be ever in her favor!

What in the Zoolander?!

Generally speaking, it’s easier to train singers to act than it is to train actors to sing.  

It appears after all these years they’ve finally snuffed the Rooster.