don't mess with public education

The fakers never regret before they get caught.

That’s a very neat way of framing kiss up, kick down, which I sometimes think the world’s most privileged and least valuable people want us to believe is how things are supposed to work. 

The only intolerance we should have to tolerate is of the gluten and lactose variety.

He’s right. It isn’t tolerance. You shouldn’t tolerate intolerance. No one was policing his thoughts or beliefs, they were policing his behaviour and how it affected a vulnerable individual.

I’m not engaging the troll, but good god, I absolutely detest that ridiculous ‘binary’ argument about success and failure. It is just so dizzingly wrong-headed and cruel. It’s emotional immaturity and insecurity enshrined as social law. 

As a white Christian male, let me say that there is nothing Christian about transphobia.  I have literally no idea where one would find it in the Bible. 

Nope. Be presumptively respectful of other until and unless people prove themselves to be assholes. It can happen quickly, but there is still a presumption of treating people with basic human dignity.

Bullshit. Respect is given, unless lost.

Not really? I think when we encounter another human person we owe them respect for their basic humanity and personhood.

Then how do you get respect if you don’t give it? That makes no freakin’ sense. If you run around demanding people earn your respect you’re just being an asshole who is proving you don’t deserve respect.

Donahue was so great. Especially to this little gay boy living in the the middle of the prairies, on an army base! I remember seeing Kate Bornstein on the show, and how the audience couldnt understand (nor could I really, but I was a preteen) why she would have a ‘sex change’ when she was attracted to women.

Respect should never be earned it should be freely given, because when you say I won’t respect until you earn it you’re saying I won’t treat you like a person until you prove to me you are a person. 

This is a laughably stupid comment that betrays either not understanding “respect” or not understanding kids.

What beliefs though?

“That is not tolerance,” Vlaming said. “That is coercion.”

He shouldn’t work in any school, religious or not. He’s just as likely to be teaching trans kids in religious schools as he is in non-religious kids. It’s probably marginally easier for trans kids to be out in public schools, but it doesn’t mean they don’t exist in religious schools.

So what you’re saying is that it’s ok for me to shit in your living room, because you haven’t earned my respect? It sounds like what you’re really saying is that people have to be model minorities in order to earn tolerance from you.

You’re being a dick, and I hope you don’t work with kids.

Waaaah! I’m being discriminated against because I refuse to be tolerant of others waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” I am so sick of white Christian men crying that they are being discriminated against because being hateful bigots isn’t as acceptable as it used to be.

Teachers must do more than tolerate their students. They must respect them.