don't mess with public education

allegedly after a student complained that they were targeted by the note.

You’d think it would be obvious that, if anyone “felt bullied” by warnings of a rapist, it would be because he’s the fucking rapist.

Seriously, what the hell is up with Trump’s appointees? Like I get that the dude’s a trash fire of horror and all that, but this is starting to get statistically ridiculous. Unless one of his selection criteria is specifically that does the applicant have a history with something like this, I don’t understand how this

I just saw a preview for this in the theater and I had no idea then what the point of the movie was. After reading this I’m 100% sure there is no real story, only a means for Quentin Tarantino to use some naughty words, parade women around like trophies, and let all the men do all the work and talking. HARD PASS.

As the entertainment press, we field emails from executives and publicists daily. Everyone wants top billing and a slightly larger spotlight. There are even stars this year alone with higher demands than anything detailed by the disgruntled Page Six sources.

This was delightfully vicious and I am HERE FOR IT.

Like how could she miss the point of the Try On a Hijab event so wildly? No, it’s not because it’s a hot new fashion accessory *or* because the group is trying to prepare you for some kind of Islamic takeover; why would anyone even jump to such an outlandish conclusion? And then she somehow interpreted the reaction to

what does it say if most white people are killed by other white people? I don’t know where to look that statistic up, but assuming it’s true, shouldn’t we then fix the problems in our culture/communities as well?”

There’s gotta be a female conservative talking head turning 36 this year. That will free up a spot. 

She’s the typical “I’m just saying.....” conservative racist. “I’m just asking questions”, like it’s not racist at all but rather just opening up lines of academic inquiry. For someone who purports to be studying political science, she’s smart enough to play that little game and get all the fellow MAGAts to believe

If you want to make big $ & are a right-wing lunatic, there will always be a place for you on cable news or other right-wing lunatic media.

If somebody came out with a line of Winter Soldier vag eggs, I might take better notice.

We were talking about this, yes, there are a lot of troubles, and a long way to go, and it can seem like we are moving backwards sometimes. And we do need to keep fighting, which can be depressing and exhausting.

I am sorry for your trauma and I am sorry for laughing about it just now. 

It’s almost as awful as Beauty & The Beast, a movie about a woman turning an abusive man good because she’s good, and of course, beautiful. Disgusting.

So she makes a career contradicting everything she can to distract from her lack of intelligence.

Much like Beauty & the Beast, I’m not sure how The Little Mermaid can ever be a positive message to young girls.

Oh my dear Joan you silly girl. It’s not Ryan Seacrest. It is in fact Brian Dunkleman!

Kate Middleton should give master classes on how to smile at your husband as if you adore him at every moment and hang on his every word. She always looks completely, genuinely besotted and fascinated. I’m sure she does love him - I’m not doubting that - but *nobody* feels that way about their spouse all the time!

Meghan, you can do all the Jell-O shots you want, but you’ll always be a wealthy, insulated 1 percenter who can buy her way into and out of anything just like your parents.