Katie, you know more about football than I know about fashion.
Katie, you know more about football than I know about fashion.
Goodell should hire Jezebel to define what a catch is.
I was relieved to see that that was in addition to refunds and not just the whole pool for paying back customers, since it wouldn’t go very far...
Gwyneth: “I think I have $145k in the couch cushions...”
I feel as though 145k is not nearly enough. It’s a paltry sum for hawking bullshit. In fact, one might even call it Paltr-ow-y.
It’s the Flower Essence that’s for depression or more specifically assisting “in the clearing of guilt, shame, self-criticism and blame.” The bajingo eggs “help cultivate sexual energy, clear chi pathways in the body, intensify femininity, and invigorate our life force. To name a few!” All sound scientific advice.
So estimated revenue is $45 million annually. They pay $145,000. I can’t imagine why we have these woo peddlers with such strict supervision from the government.
I know it’s not a big deal where she comes from (Hollywood royalty trash) and it’s largely her parents’ fault (for being trash) and perhaps all of it was inevitable, but it’s really fucking sad to see an otherwise perfectly cute 18-year old girl fuck up her face with fillers, injections and surgery at such a young age.…
He’s got face tattoos, it’s clearly too late.
Honestly, dude seems like a dumbass and I 100% think this was because of the meme and now he’s trying to backtrack in a really dumb way because he is a dumb person.
It was just added work to my schedule, you know what I mean?
Maybe it’s because I’m on my way to being an old (and do correct me if I’m wrong anywhere here), but it seems to me that even if it’s true, outing the fake relationship without coordinating with Noah was shitty.
Oh, I don’t want their terrible, terrible deaths to be alone. I want them to die screaming for help, with someone easily capable of providing that help standing just out of reach, dispassionately watching them go.
Yep. And, NO ONE SHOULD GO TO JAIL/PRISON for DEBT. Isn’t it counter-productive anyway? WtF America? Guess we really never did get rid of Debtor’s Prisons, we now just say, WARRANT and pretend it’s okay to jail folks for being poor. I don’t see how traffic tickets make you such a menace to society...that you need to…
Everything about this story is seriously fucked up, starting with why the fuck was she in jail for 3 days for parking tickets?
“A county district attorney who investigated the case neglected to press charges, arguing that they did not exhibit any “cruel, oppressive or malicious treatment” toward Coltrain.”
Fuck this guy. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. He knew exactly what he was doing. I get hugged all the time and somehow women’s hands never end up on my breasts(or buttocks), even “accidentally”
I was once thanking a Pastor for conducting a funeral service at my funeral home and as I shook his hand, he pulled my arm and gave me a fucking gross, wet kiss on my cheek very near my lips. I couldn’t tell him off because we were standing next to the family of the deceased but holy fuck did I feel tricked. Men of ‘hi…