Isadora Basson

Seriously the third book was pretty much impossible for me to put down. I do that with the others too but that one especially, I'm excited to see how they are going to approach it, especially with it's more complex structure. I'm fairly hesitant about how the fourth will translate to the show though cause I had quite

I really enjoyed this episode. The April c-section thing was hard to watch but done really well and I was happy that they found a resolution to the Ben story with it as well without absolving him entirely if his past actions. Also I just love that this is one of the only shows that's gonna say vagina on network

So excited for you to watch the last episode. It's fucking great and Brianna is gold as always. Also they bring back the Mallory plot of this episode in a way that ends up working really well. But damn this episode definitely got me. It really is crazy how quickly they got me to care about Babe and how much it really

I want to yell at the writers "Stop trying to make Jody/Mindy happen. It's not going to happen." On the other hand definitely liking Marcus and that they have some things in common and get along and chemistry exists. I know he won't be around for a super long time but it would be great for him to stick around for a

The scene where Frankie finally lets go of trying to fix her lube is so great. It's heartbreaking for her but she also still manages to be funny. The line about the fact that her vagina can't be associated with palm oil really got me.

Same, Brianna is being pragmatic and doesn't really have another option and as a businesswoman has to care most about how the product will sell and also doesn't really care about the environment. For Frankie this was something she created and was excited about and now her vision for it is being distorted. Both of them

I also really enjoyed the moment of Alex yelling at Meredith that she would be his best man. it was really sweet and earn but also funny especially with that other person walking by giving that weird look after. Also loved Maggie's disbelief as Owen and Amelia start talking about their "hypothetical" future, cause you

There was this really small moment in the morgue which I actually really loved. I doubt everyone took note, but when Girder comes out and Iris and Cisco start trying to figure out what to do, Cisco tries to stand protectively in front of Iris and then she's like screw that and moves to stand in front of him instead.

I so agree about Thea, she continues to be the greatest. Despite the fact that a lot of her plot this episode isn't that necessary and more a reason to keep checking in on her, I don't care cause it means more Thea. Literally as I was watching her take down Malcolm verbally again I just kept thinking how awesome she

I really loved the fact that they included the line about her having the entitlement of a white man because that has been a way that Kaling has specifically described the character in interviews, plus it's funny.

Brianna, killing it like always. She's a great combination of honest, harsh and clever that is so funny and also a little part of me is kind of like "this is what I wish I could get away with." I also loved how they took a well worn trope of revisiting a lost love and put it in the harsh light of day. That would not

I wouldn't say a drop in quality but they have changed the feel of it a little, less joke dense and more focus on slower emotional plot lines, so if that's not your thing you might not like it as much. For me there are still plenty of laughs though and I also have a real soft spot for stories about older women

Also Brianna giving a demonstration of how the chair worked was so funny. June Diane Raphael is so consistently wonderful and even small stuff like that which is almost in the background gets me.

But Dahrk has been around for at least a couple hundred years (I realize it's not as long but still) and he's all kinds of menacing. I think it's also that it doesn't feel like he's really outsmarting or maneuvering them so he doesn't have to bother being scary. It feels like besides the show telling us he's super

The magic stuff is a little rushed but I was glad that they didn't have access to that like half the season and not use it which I feel sometimes happens on these shows. Also I was just happy that the way to defeat another villain wasn't to go all dark again, especially since that's Oliver's default. We've seen

That is a good thought. I was wondering why they would have cared to put her there but that makes total sense. Especially since Malcolm explicitly said he made sure she'd be safe from Damien's plans.

I had the same thoughts. That last time he pulled his gun I was like "you literally just aimed it at him and put it away again, why are bringing it out again acting like you're going to do anything with it?" And then he definitely did something with it.

In some of the Andy and Diggle scenes tonight I was just thinking about how they laid seeds for some story about his brother and HIVE for so long and then they actually used that for a really effective plot. So often the things they sprinkle in that will come back later are just brought back abruptly and done poorly

Especially since they seem to be casually killing all the other ghosts constantly. The line of kill/no kill on this show is so blurry.

It's amazing some of the stuff this show makes you just accept. Like Dahrk's whole speech to his other HIVE members, out of context its really ridiculous, but coming out of his mouth it works.