Same, I was also thinking how much I was liking her new haircut and then he said that. Although almost no show says you're not looking to good and then actually has the character not looking good.
Same, I was also thinking how much I was liking her new haircut and then he said that. Although almost no show says you're not looking to good and then actually has the character not looking good.
Especially cause then if he actually does get upset you know something real bad is about to happen. When you're used to seeing him carefree it makes the contrast to his being angry or ruffled much better.
I'm also glad that its not just humans are bad for the earth and will never be good so kill them all. There is at least an actual plan that he put a lot of thought into.
It wasn't until I finished the episode that I realized there hadn't been flashbacks. Then it made sense why I liked this episode and didn't feel like the narrative was constantly being interrupted.
Especially cause at this point Oliver is pretty dark and a trained killer. We haven't seen him decide to be a hero but otherwise pretty close to S1 Oliver, definitely not another season's worth of character development left. That on top of the actual plot of the flashbacks being unnecessary and generally annoying.
I like Curtis but when I saw Lyla I actually said out loud "Yes more Lyla." Like give me all the Lyla, she is consistently great and they could definitely find a way to bring her in a lot more often.
But I will not be able to take his old guy make up seriously. It was very distracting.
Well then I'd say you do a good job with that as well. Usually agree with what you liked/dislked and you make me consider things I otherwise wouldn't have. Which is pretty much the purpose.
When I saw the B+ I thought that sounded about right. it was really solid but not the best of what it can do. And as much as I love Thea a lot of that plot was sort of weird until the end cause they couldn't really dedicate much time to it and also I don't care about Alex.
Also Felicity getting to be light and funny and was able to interact with Oliver again without them both being all mopey about their relationship. I was also really happy they didn't make her the sole voice that helped him fight back against Dahrk, it was seeming like they were going there and really no one person…
That was such a big part of the reason I gave up on that show. Like I could not believe in him being this big threat and would have just preferred for them to find other excuses for time travel. And then yeah his casting was made even worse by watching it a day after having watched Neal McDonough kill it.
Well since it was already the comment section for this show I figured people would pretty much already realize that. Although they do have issues with some of their season long stories, i.e. Sin Rostro and whatever is happening now with all that. But without that this show is really great at storytelling and also one…
Seriously the song and especially the music video are super upsetting. Like why is no one more upset about his super creepy stalker possessive song/video. Why is this the story they want to tell. The song is already so bad and then you watch the music video and you're like "wow this song is actually even worse than I…
That final scene just did not do anything for me. I understand that they all thought he died but we know he's going to be alive and they won't do anything very interesting with his absence so just, meh. I'm also worried that all next episode is going to be getting him back and they're going to continue to not really…
As soon as they pulled out the Redskins gear I could tell where Jacqueline was going and got so excited for her whole arc this season coming to a head. Very emotionally satisfying. She took a stand again and got someone to listen and now they're going to fix it.
I was mostly wondering how that would be possible that it could be legally binding since she was underage when kidnapped and then stuck in a bunker. Like how could the reverend have legally married them. I hope they address this.
I just need to acknowledge the amazingness of Titus' physical comedy in the moment he blows Lillian a kiss, then changes his mind and takes it back.
I probably laughed way to much at "My improv team is looking for a second person." Although there were so many good jokes in that scene but that one particularly stuck out to me cause it's also so sad but he says it with such a cheery demeanor. That whole scene with Norman was great, really just outside bones through…
I was still reeling from the song and then that just made me bust out laughing all over again.
To me it seemed pretty clear that they were drawing parallels between them, both just acting happy all the time to avoid the awful things they've been through.