Isadora Basson

I'm not saying everyone does use those labels and bisexual isn't even the only one to describe being something other than gay or straight. The reason it's frustrating to not hear someone use the label is because so many shows refuse to "label it". As a person who is bisexual I'll tell you that it's powerful to hear

Or underground, that would have been kind of a cool way to go against expectations. But yeah the reveal was ridiculous I had no idea it wasn't supposed to already be super obvious.

But the difference for me is that with Captain Jack they still found ways to make explicitly clear that it didn't mean he was gay and he was still interested in women. With Sara, the dialogue is implying that she might only be into women now. I don't have a problem with who her relationships are with, as long as

Still one of the deaths that hurts the most.

"And the ability to change our minds later and make them gay instead." The amount of characters who behave as though they're bisexual (and by that I mean have satisfying emotional and sexual relationships with men and women) and then later come out as gay and say they're totally not into the opposite gender is

While I agree that they might be doing that and that plenty of people's sexuality do evolve the problem is when there is so limited representation you have to be careful in how you portray it, and if she decides and vocalizes that she's now only into women that confirms for many people that bisexuality is a phase or

Except while I appreciate some aspects of the portrayal of Annalise's bisexuality they still do the annoying thing of refusing to use the word and instead saying "I don't like labels". I realize that might not be a big deal to people who are straight cause it's hard to understand but it's important and rare to

Actually Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has a pretty awesome bi character (but yes they are very hard to come by).

As far as what has been shown but we have no idea about the rest of her life and it's not like just because she's bi she's going to be interested in every guy. Plus for most of the time she's been on Arrow or LoT she was either with/still in love with Nyssa/was dead/or had way more pressing shit to deal with than

They had in the past made it so but it really struck me tonight like they were trying to imply she's actually into girls now and I just got really frustrated because it feels like they are erasing this whole established side of her, as well as erasing another bi character on TV. It's called bi erasure for a reason.

That actually is super different because the chances of any particular sperm being the one to fertilize the egg is so remote and can easily be altered and means an entirely different set of of genes makes up half that person including whether that sperm is carrying an x or y chromosome, so them having sex one day

Oh got it, I guess i wasn't paying super close attention in that part. But regardless I feel like the president being kidnapped by aliens should still be a bigger deal. Like what does the rest of the country not in this crossover think about the president being missing because that's a pretty hard thing to cover up

Oh you're right honestly in all the craziness I totally forgot. Also probably because I don't really care about Wally and so all the details of his story fade away a little. In any case I kind of just want him to be kid flash already so he stops mopping.

I had literally the same reaction to Supergirl, CW totally tricked me into watching it for no reason and it was not a good enough episode for characters I don't care about on a show I gave up on after a few episodes. Whatever, tonight's installment was fun but also ludicrous and at multiple points I laughed out loud

Honestly after seeing this if it doesn't get a best picture, director and a couple acting nominations I will be furious because it is so good and the performances are amazing. It's not big acting but you can see everything play out across the actor's faces. The movie isn't trying to be a lesson either which is nice

Yeah I'm not devastated or anything but still frustrating to just be spoiled like that with no warning just as I was about to watch that episode of HTGAWM. I'd appreciate a little more care since it is still the night of so it's not exactly like everyone should be expected to already know by now.

All of that was amazing. I also loved how they "bonded" over both having been to the beach, what a coincidence.

I'm not a huge fan of Routh's cause he can be a little wooden or annoying to me at times but this was the role he was born to pay. Bland guy who only likes the most boring popular stuff and is incapable of a sense of humor. That might sound mean but I genuinely mean that he did a great job. This episode was really

Yeah, there are a lot less people living in Starling than I thought if those are all the rioters.

That sounds about right since I've read the fourth book and it's a series of bad timings. Plus some aspects I was frustrated by.