I didn't love him either but next episode made their whole relationship work for me.
I didn't love him either but next episode made their whole relationship work for me.
This immediately just made me think of How did this get made, because they talked about the Mario brothers movie and that discussion definitely included the confusing names, as well as the entire bat shit movie.
I was laughing so hard at that song, it took a second for me to realize where it was going, and then it kept going and becoming even better and I was laughing so hard I missed some of it the first time and had to pause for like a straight minute when it was finished I was laughing so much.
Yep, its not the act itself that needs attention, but the way it effected the character, while also being very clear her trauma doesn't define her.
Those two pairings never cease to just make me crazy happy every time they're on screen.
I think that Alba being so strict and that having such an impact on Jane (and Xo) is sort of the point. They're not saying she's in the right. I feel like the show has been clear that for Jane the reason to wait for marriage is less just about religion and more about it being the right time for her, that it's with the…
She was doing so well being mature with Rogelio moving on with Dina and then they had to throw it away. Also as soon as they were in that studio together I knew they'd sleep together so it wasn't much of a reveal. I feel like it could have been more interesting if they all the sudden became good friends or something…
Never thought of this but I love it!
I was one of those people, the title and the ads first promoting made it seem so stupid (also the CW hadn't really started making some really great shows then). Then it got a bunch of great reviews and I gave a try and never looked back. Now I get everyone I know into it, so far 100% success rate.
Seriously he was saying they were ridiculous and I was like "no keep them on forever".
I am genuinely very sorry for you cause it was fantastic and they actually managed to out do the first season finale which is a tall order. Its hard to think of any other shows currently on with such intricate and tightly woven serial stories and plots. Everything is so deliberate and its also just really fun.
I have this same issue and it frequently infuriates me. My dad has such high standards (is a tv snob) that he'll give up before the pilot's even over or be bothered by cheap set design which doesn't mean the writing and acting can't be really great and make that not matter.
I realize you have to keep up the interpersonal drama but I was sad to see Petra and Jane so at odds again. I was really enjoying their unique friendship they had been building.
I liked that moment between them cause it was a nice way to speak to how comfortable they are with each other and know the other well. It's the type of silly thing you do with someone you're very close with. It's nice to see those little character moments thrown in to remind you why they work together.
I was thinking about the relationship they've built between Rogelio and Jane in the scene where she confesses she's having a difficult time with the break up. I recently rewatched one of the first episodes of the show and its amazing how far they've come in an entirely earned way. Their relationship is adorable.
The thing I'm most hopeful with this is Petra's involvement, she could actually scheme not just have a bunch of stuff happen to her (which is pretty much what happens to Rafael in the drug lord stories) and also have some nice unexpected bonding moments with the two of them. Also hope Michael isn't immediately back on…
The “It is not appropriate for the leader of a country to discuss the size of his sword!” #RegisterToVote made me laugh so much, it took me a second to register it and then I had to pause because I was laughing so much and appreciating how clever this show is. Not only is it a really funny joke, but it also is using a…
Sometimes it can be hard to describe to people exactly what's funny, because if I just quote it out of context it's not that funny, but when you know the character and Kaling's delivery, its so funny.
I forgot about that, yeah the timeline is weird. I would say that maybe it was meant to be aired later except the Jody stuff makes that pretty impossible. This show does seem to occasionally make huge time jumps for almost no reason, and the Jody thing definitely makes the jump weirder. Just another reason its not a…
Yes even though he was being a bit of a caveman that point at least was a really good one. Their big issues was on traditional roles in the home and Jody is even more antiquated in his thinking about that stuff and often just straight up sexist.