Isadora Basson

As much as I am frustrated with Danny on multiple fronts with where they've left him now, that scene in the elevator highlighted the huge gap in chemistry between Mindy and Jody. I've literally never watched a scene between them and felt that excited tension when you're waiting for something to happen between two

Such a specific group of people will appreciate this cause I don't imagine there's a ton of crossover but I have to tell you, you definitely made me laugh.

I get that you say you're trying to criticize the show on its own, but most all of your issues seem to be with characterization, not historical inaccuracies or consistencies.

The part I'm interpreting as hatred is when you go on and on about all the things you don't like, never mention any part of it you enjoy, say it's a distortion of the book and say you're only watching it to tear it apart. That sounds like you hate the show to me. And again I'm not saying you don't belong, I never said

Seriously, at least on Doctor Who, they mostly have a set of rules they stick to, they don't constantly add more elements so you can't follow like any of it.

Seriously the disguise was so awful. Sort of like when Barry "changes" his voice to disguise it. It's still sounds like him, like Iris for sure would have been able to tell it was him, especially with as much of his face you can see.

I know they just have to make all the characters act like morons to stretch the narrative. I know it's a long season, but then just don't have so much of the story at the beginning of the season. The first couple episodes could have been pretty much without any sign of the big bad, just reestablishing the world and

All of this.

That last one really frustrated me. But also all the rest of what you said.

Not only does she not get storylines outside of ones involving her relationship with a guy, but they also all have to be really tragic. Like can't she have something else going on in her life and can't it be a happy thing.

Also I get that they wanted it to be Wally, but from Zoom's point of view wouldn't it make more sense to capture someone like Iris or Joe or basically any of the main cast. Even though Barry would care about anyone who got kidnapped you'd think Zoom would try to go for the person Barry loves the most, not someone who

Yeah, I don't love the paring but they didn't do themselves any favors by pushing the brother sister dynamic so hard, with Barry now even embracing Wally as a sort of brother. Since they clearly plan on at least revisiting that relationship then they shouldn't have kept showing us how much they were like siblings.

I honestly didn't even realize what that time jump was supposed to be until i thought about it after.

I think part of the problem is that there doesn't really seem to be a set of rules in this universe. Even if we don't know or understand all of them, there needs to be an internal logic. Like how if a show has magic there are a bunch of rules about how it works and its limitations that all make sense in a cohesive

I think when Harry started fidling with his watch we were meant to think he transferred the data to their computers. But also why would that be a thing you would keep a record of? Either way its pretty flimsy.

Also wasn't Jay supposedly trying to fight Zoom on Earth 2? How did he make two of himself.

Yep, when I went my glasses absolutely no one recognizes me. I have to constantly take them off to show them my face as they are astonished by my transformation. Constant struggle all us glasses wearing people go through daily.

Also at the beginning of this season when he broadcasted to Starling you could see so much of his face.

I am looking forward to a villain that isn't just an opposite to Barry.

This reference made me far too happy.