Isadora Basson

I pretty much hated Jess's storyline. So much of my problem is just that I don't buy that all the sudden she has feelings for him again. I get that it was what they were trying to set up at the end of the last episode but it just doesn't work for me at all. Since seeing him again all their interactions have been

Although it was pretty great seeing her later clip that other hand to her belt, so worth it?

Although I will say even in her limited appearances I pretty much loved her. I feel pretty confident in her and also just trust this show so much because of all they've managed to do and do it so well. Plus they consistently have great villains and actors who play them.

However it might unfortunately end all the Rob Thomas jokes which I continue to love every time. Also still not over the new zombie singing unwell.

That's not a good argument though because you could do that with any actor and you would get people who think that person has had some surgery or other modifications. I first of all didn't even notice a differently, and even if there is, as someone else noted, a lot can be accomplished with makeup alone. Especially if

What are you even talking about she looks the same.

No I really enjoyed coverage of this show especially with all the complex ideas they deal with weekly. At least the show is still on cause I always feel like its a bit at risk.

I'm sure that saying has been used numerous times but it was also recently used in the Carmichael Show.

Well yeah this show is made up of a lot of self-centered people. But that doesn't excuse it in her, especially in a situation as serious as this.

While I think it's true she's almost certainly not ready for a mature relationship to me there were some fairly clear but subtle signs of his not so nice side. One of the biggest examples was when he insisted on grading the grammar on her student's assignments, trying to do it against her expressed wishes and ignoring

I know when she was talking about becoming a therapist when she was asking her sister for money all I could think about was, "those poor people who will be her clients, she'll be the worst therapist".

The point is really just that this huge thing is happening and she continues to make it about herself and doesn't really even want to help. It's pretty clear when she hangs up with Hannah complaining that she's making it about herself because that is actually what Jessa is doing.

Also watching the "inside the episode" for this episode confirmed that Fran wasn't meant to be a truly nice guy. That's what I felt like they were going for despite having everyone say that he was nice. Sometimes someone can appear nice but actually not really behave that way, and staying in a relationship with that

As soon as I saw him breaking free all I could think was "thank god he's back to being a person and caring about things". It was great to see him care again. It made me realize how I had missed him.

Totally agree, when it first started I didn't care and always wanted to get back to all the other action, but now, because of the way they slowly rolled out the story its actually great.

I have started to weirdly like Murphy now. He's done a bunch of awful things but watching him just switch sides and totally looking out for himself, trying to make himself valuable to everyone he comes in contact with and still snarking has become really entertaining.

The voice was especially great and not at all an easy thing to do.

The way the city of light story played out this week was so satisfying and terrifying. Because it was so much on the background for so much of the season but simmering along it made it great when it finally came to the forefront to truly be a huge issue. Those people were really creepy and Lindsey Morgan did a fucking

Same that was the point at which I actually got emotional, Quentin and realizing all the horrible shit he's gone through and now this too.

Same with having him pull the picture out in flashback, he hadn't touched that picture in years as far as we've seen.Trying to manipulate us to make the death hit harder except it didn't even work.