Isadora Basson

Seriously the declaration of love was so frustrating. He treated her terribly when they were together for one and also after they broke up for good at the beginning of season two (which she very much wanted) she has shown no signs of this love even declaring at one point such anger at Oliver that she couldn't believe

The only thing with The 100 is that as frustrating as her death was at least it did drive a lot of plot in an interesting direction so it arguably served a purpose. It's hard to see how this death could have that much narrative purpose outside of grief. It just feels like this show is killing people off to keep up the

This is a great show and I would watch it in a heartbeat.

Yes but we need way more Lyla cause she's awesome and barely ever gets to be in episodes.

The problem with the they're just trying to play us with all the in your face death markers throughout the episode is that I honestly don't give the writers enough credit to do that as a fake out. I think they easily could have done that in earnest.

Not only is Holland just great but she is a standout even with the insane dialogue she's given. So much of her drama with Merlyn and bloodlust is flat out crazy and pretty hard to believe or feel connected to if you just look at the writing. It's only because of her performance that any of that feels grounded and

I agree with this but also still miss Roy and would so enjoy having him around again and the levity he often brought.

Donna has at least helped a fair amount in this regard, also though Donna is just pretty great actually.

Seriously last week's episode with Curtis made me so sad to remember how fun Felicity used to be. I have been on board for Oliver and Felicity for a long time except for now every time the show actually does something with it it's kind of terrible and then I'm like never mind don't give me more Olicity. Although the

Also super annoying to find out we won't know what she said till next season, why and could it actually be that important to keep it a secret that long. Kind of funny though how Cassidy talks about how well they've written her character though.

For me I do hop Laurel is actually dead, but I'm not saying this because I hate her. While I've never been the biggest fan of the character she's grown on me and is mostly fine now. So, my reason for wanting her to be dead comes to a couple other points.

Pretty great but very upset that they didn't include Spice World. I remember watching the credits of that in the theatre at 5 and 100% thinking they were talking to me. Obviously that movie is amazing. Also was hoping for the more direct parts of rocky horror given there's an actual narrator.

Since this probably won't be renewed I'm deciding that it ended with Peggy and Sousa in his office and ignoring the cliffhanger. As much as I love this show and will miss it (cause its chances are fairly remote) I'm so excited that it even got two seasons and have enjoyed them so much. I do enjoy the flash but I don't

Also when Terry was giving that advice to Pimento. Especially since it totally played off the trope of the type of speeches tragic figures/heroes are given all the time in dramas where a character has gone through a lot. The "you deserve to be happy" and then instead of the usual pushback he's instantly 'fixed' with

That might have been my favorite line of the episode because her delivery was amazing. Although it's hard to say for sure because while yes the emotions in this episode weren't super strong it was just so funny throughout with Bell and Newhouse selling the crap out of those lines and Tatum being so funny. Plus they

And then they try and say that they did it on purpose because it was so clever that way. Instead if realizing its not interesting to have the same problems over and over.

That argument could be used for all of them since Oliver implied that everyone was dead.

I agree although having seen it done in Jessica Jones and work, only makes Savage's attempts to show his love that much worse.

Yes, Vandal Savage is not only a bad villain but worse than that he's boring and it never feels like there's a real sense of stakes with his threats. The actor can just not pull this off and all I can think about is how Arrow for example has such a good villain this season and that Neal McDonough would be a million

I still love that scene where he flips over a car to save Thea and then just gets hit with a tranq dart.