Isadora Basson

It seems a lot more likely that the writers didn't really care enough or put the thought into that being the case.

First off, Oliver is like 60 and very agile for his age and also that makeup looked so bad. Every time it was in decent light I just laughed out loud and thought about how they should be using even dimmer lighting on his face. Also, Oliver has been living down in his basement for years just brooding and hasn't touched

I'm excited about regular coverage. For a while it felt like I was still watching this show simply because I had been for so long but it feels like they're actually doing new and interesting things that keep me legitimately interested. I really liked this episode because as much as I have mostly really liked April and

I mean she could have wheeled herself out. That would have been fine cause if her legs hadn't started working yet that would make total sense and no one would have said anything bad about that. That's not misogynistic.

Seriously every time the flashback was on the screen I was like "are we done yet cause I still don't care." Actually at one point I actually said to myself as they were about to go into the giant cave "lets not and say we did". It just feels like their treading water and I don't care and it feels so irrelevant.

Seriously how awesome is she and her powers. She can fly which is so awesome, or be super strong, or agile, or fast. Basically all the superpowers but in a way that's limited enough so as not to be ridiculous. We definitely need more of her.

Even that doesn't entirely hold water though after his refusal to give up the ring to save her.

It is so frustrating to me that literally everything that happened last season was directly his fault and people are still mostly fine with him, even as he continues to make things worse for everyone. He's basically the villain of the series sort of in the background constantly fucking everything up for all the

I'm gonna say that while I disagree with Oliver lying, it's on a very different level to lying about revealing a kid to a mass murderer and then actually kidnapping said kid, who is also your daughter's nephew.

Honestly that's when Laurel is at her best. I don't love her or hate her but I think she works best on those situations. Her friendship with Nyssa last season was the best.


Yep, he was ready to get married to her knowing he was keeping a huge secret from her that he knew she would want to know about and would be super upset to know he kept hidden (lets not forget the alternate timeline and him knowing she was upset about it). I think a big part of the problem in why some people think she

Same, I get frustrated with the way they write his character sometimes. He's a good clever detective when they want him to be (immediately figuring out Roy is Arsenal) and then slow when that's what the plot needs. Especially now that he's in on all the secrets it makes it even more difficult.

Him wanting the green arrow action figure was so ridiculous I couldn't help but laugh.

I'm already having a hard time wanting to keep up with Legends. At this point I'm only going to stay current to see future Oliver and then if it doesn't get better I'm out.

As much as I agree that the way they did the breakup of Oliver and Felicity with her literally walking out was ridiculous I think them breaking up was fine and legitimate and would have found it more ridiculous if she had forgiven him for all his lying.

That was probably my favorite part about the story tonight. They sent him off for good (seemingly) after realizing they didn't know how to write this story.

What about Thea?

I am on board for this.

I get what your saying but I think Felicity's increased involvement in the show because of fan reaction was that they realized they had a dynamic that was working well and that fans enjoyed so they continued with it. I think that the writers also really believed that it was what worked and not solely doing it to