Isadora Basson

The continuous jokes about this being an 80s movie got so many laughs out of me because they did it so well. Also loved the glee with which Dennis took on the evil rich dude role (although he isn't really rich just on that side of the conflict). And Charlie's comments about the PA was superb. Also all the creepy

The dog thing was sort of ridiculous and he should do his dog. On the other hand I was cuddling my dog while watching this which made me far more sympathetic to Boyle and very upset about the whole idea of anyone's dog dying and deciding I would be a mess far worse than Boyle, although I don't think it would take me

Ok is it just me who hates the Caitlin and Jay romance because I really don't feel it. Also they let Iris have no romantic interest because her fiancee died a few months ago, but when it's Caitlin's husband, who died twice, she's totally over it. What, no!

Hopefully it will somehow get changed, clearly it's possible to change the future because I can't deal with that for seasons more. Not only do I not really care about them together but also they are siblings. Everyone talks about them as siblings, it's super weird and gross.

It's also so frustrating that she wouldn't have figured it out, like half the time he doesn't use his modified voice or vibrating face with her. She knows him pretty well and is a freakin detective, I think she could sort that one out. Also all his friends work with the flash very much out in the open.

Also, where the hell did her sweater go? When she was kidnapped she was wearing it but tied up, only in a tank top. I realize it's not that important but it was pretty weird and if they wanted her in a tank top for whatever stupid reason, just have her in that before. Also why does everyone wear shoes while at home in

That made me laugh so much, love it. Also totally plausible.

Exactly how I felt, I've lost confidence in the writers in this regard that they can not cause suspense like this because I know he's going to be a jackass about it again and keep lying to only the people he's sleeping with. At least they let Patty stand up for herself and call him out for treating her like crap. Also

Interested to see the Earth 2 version although I suspect still nefarious purposes for being there given what drove hm to time travel last time.

Also when Iris told Barry that she told Patty to talk to him that it was over the line or something like that. First of all, good advice, second of all what else could she have told her?

Honestly the Patty Barry drama in this episode made it difficult for me to enjoy the rest of it. It is endlessly frustrating watching him refuse to tell her for no good reason. And like stated above, how the fuck does her knowing put her in any danger let alone more than she's already in. If anything she could be

Sarah explaining that "it's the holiest day of the year" after her whole speech about what she wanted to Dr. Steve was hilarious. Also Ali saying that they weren't serving water "in solidarity with the drought" was the most incredibly Ali thing to ever say. They both mad me laugh so much. Plus you know the whole

I didn't realize it was the episode title till now, but it was used in the episode and it was a great joke, laughed a lot at that and obviously Rob Lowe's delivery only made it better.

Dean destroying Todd's car and Todd continuing to be upset and confused about it, golden.

Seriously, that show is like the epitome of their crappy melodramatic content.

I haven't watched that one so I couldn't speak to it but I have heard good things.

The look on both of their faces was perfect.

That entire scene had me cracking up, definitely one the reasons I love this show, they balance that with complicated relationship development in one episode.

Yeah, the CW is in this really weird place where it's started to have some really good shows on (Jane, Crazy, and iZombie) but then they balance that out with some really soapy terrible shows like Vampire Diaries. Hopefully they'll keep moving in the direction of good television. They seem to have found a bit of a

Well now the star got nominated for a Golden Globe they will definitely hold onto it. Which I am really happy about because it's a really great, strange, funny, and heartfelt show. Also the musical numbers are really consistently great which is a feat in and of itself.