Isadora Basson

Edgar and Dorothy work so well together and brings out some really good stuff in Edgar, plus it's good to see him have something going well in his life (incase his improv career doesn't take off). I especially like that they are both grasping onto this relationship as a way to move their lives forward, not just her

Decca drinking throughout the party was excellent "I can have one", and then eventually not pretending and just drinking the bottle. I always love seeing her be awful and then have her horrible party ruined by everyone while trying to smile through it. Jimmy has now helped ruin three big parties for her.

Definitely, I always love a villain who can at times make me forget how awful they are. He's often so charming and always makes me laugh that I sometimes I have to remind myself of all the people he murdered. I mean even last season when he was holding Major captive he was really funny and it makes me love hate him

I also thought it was cool the way that they just showed her as being happy as a call girl and not trying to make that tragic. Instead they had her be happy with that as a job because some people are and it's never really something we see on television. Until that was she became a zombie and then her life became

Yeah I definitely got a sense of something between them.

Also while I was upset about Liv and Major splitting, I knew it was only a matter of time since the moment they got back together. Clive however came as much more of a surprise, while still being reasonable that he's had to deal with so much crazy stuff she's done that eventually be too much for him. They will have to

Boss has been great, while the convention of having him look unassuming and taunt them while feigning innocence isn't exactly new its so well done here that I'm really enjoying it. I also like how they're slowly teasing him out and that he is a villain who currently is unrelated to zombies, because there are

I can't wait for her to start doing even more things. I love her in this and could watch her do so much more. I mean in this show she's already shown a huge range.

The fact that he decided that a fort was how to help her was amazing. Especially because it cocoons them and keeps them together. It was so sweet and it made that amazing scene even better. Just the shot of the fort at the end made me start crying more.

Yeah. I also really liked that the camera was just focused on Jimmy for a long time in that scene. We barely saw Gretchen's face. She's so passive at that point and really all this episode is about Jimmy trying to sort out his feelings about the situation while Gretchen i still unable to act.

Same, I felt so ridiculous getting all teary again just reading about the episode I'd just watched. But this episode just really hit me hard in the best way.

Everything about that line was so funny.

Sort of felt that way. There is no conflict more frustrating than one that could be fixed with one conversation, and even more so when there is literally no reason to not have that conversation except that the writers want drama.

I still have no idea how they are going to try and balance being mayor with being the green arrow. I mean even if for some reason it doesn't happen, how exactly does Oliver expect to balance that. We know he is awful at it both of those jobs are pretty time consuming. Especially since the city is falling apart.

Except instead we had to watch those kind of terrible Egyptian flashbacks. Although at least they were relevant to the plot which is more than I can say for the island ones this season. I know I shouldn't really expect more but it's still so frustrating watching something that's supposed to be ancient Egypt populated

Yeah I mean he can travel back in time, but he's so slow compared to Zoom. It seems whenever it's a villain of the week that necessitates he go faster than ever before he easily does it but when they decide it's the issue for the season then he's stuck.

That's my fear and I feel pretty sure that it's what they're going to do. It's like they didn't learn their lesson about how tiring it is to see Oliver closed off and Felicity crying about it. I like Felicity but they never manage to make her dramatic moments not melodramatic. Plus Rickards is just much better with

Yeah, Amell did a really good job in that scene. But it was sort of frustrating to see it escalate so quickly. Especially since at that point he had hadn't even had any opportunity to tell her yet. Of course now that it's going to take months to come out it's understandable how upset she'll be but it was a little hard

The whole story with Felicity and Oliver tonight was so frustrating. Firstly it really is a ridiculous demand that he has to keep it a secret from absolutely anyone. Especially since it hinges on her doing something she says she doesn't have to. I mean Oliver has a right to see his son and he is obviously not at fault

Definitely, their sudden romantic interest in each other was so frustrating. I really didn't get any chemistry and it has only been a few months since Caitlyn's husband died. She is not moving on that fast, its ridiculous.