Isadora Basson

I agree and I'm hopeful they're dropping it with the way everyone is talking about Barry's feelings for her being very much in the past. But it still weirds me out every time Joe talks to Barry about it and is so encouraging.

Yeah that was a pretty lame excuse to have her in tomorrow's episode. Why not just invite her along from Star City. It just felt sort of contrived and unnecessary, but ultimately not crucial.

Felicity has been much more enjoyable this season. I really liked when she was talking and didn't know she was on comms, that whole scene was fun. Also always fun to see a new arrow being used.

I really enjoyed this episode, it was mostly just really fun and I'm also excited for the constant set up of Legends to end. But Patty leaving after shooting Wells so easily was ridiculous. It's also frustrating and even more so given the arbitrary nature of who gets to know everyone's secret identities. He seems to

I have been behind her for a while but yeah she was pretty amazing. Especially considering how little screen time she actually gets she leaves a big impression because all of her scenes are pretty great. I could watch the entire episode of Paula being a Jewish Brit.

Even though the Greg plot with his mom was not great, I did appreciate that at least their making him not quite so saintly after the last couple weeks. He was entirely selfless last week, forgave Rebecca pretty easily and has just been shown to be pretty great. I do really like him but I'm happy their showing he can

I also love that this show started with a woman who was driven in her career but would joke about leaving it all for a husband, but when it comes down to it, she discovers that isn't what she really wants. Instead she loves the career she took so long to work for and establish.

I was working with someone a few months ago (before this season started) who knows him and they said that he was wanting to do other things and not stay on the show. I can't say for sure it's true but the way that this season is going it doesn't seem all that unreasonable to think.

In a number of ways it's quite difficult to watch Danny, a character I've come to love and root for (especially with Mindy) be so entirely wrong and do some fairly awful things. They've made it pretty much impossible to be sympathetic to his argument, in large part due to the actions he's taken not just the arguments

One thing I appreciated was that they didn't try and go the traditional route of a real superhero can't kill anyone no matter how dangerous they are. They made this a more grounded world and pretty much explored any alternatives to killing him and proved it would not work. There was no other way to stop him. Also I

I agree with basically everything here. On one hand I really appreciate the conflict that they are bringing up. Whether a parent will stay at home, which one and why it still is often assumed to have to be the mother to give up their career. On the other hand it's just really frustrating to see Danny be such an ass to

Yes when I think of the talented actors working today I always think Gosling then Stallone. Clearly at the same level, I mean could Gosling win an arm wrestling championship (Over the Top)? Hard to say, not sure if he could master not moving his face and showing almost no emotion.

Yes when I think of the talented actors working today I always think Gosling then Stallone. Clearly at the same level, I mean could Gosling win an arm wrestling championship (Over the Top)? Hard to say, not sure if he could master not moving his face and showing almost no emotion.

No don't say that. I mean I know that's obviously a possibility but I'm choosing to be optimistic about its chances.

He mentions it again when he gives Jimmy the gun at the end of the episode.

Ok I can understand that, but even in that case it sounded like she wanted to go not long after the baby was born which would basically negate all those positives.

I get what you're saying from a point of view of just seeing this as a piece of art, a complete story. But I have quite a lot of faith in these writers given what they've done so far, and often when a show paints itself into a corner it can result in great and unexpected stories. And lastly, there's not really

I don't remember the pilot that way but even if that is true, the show hasn't looked like that in a long time.

I think the rest of the episode it looked great, but for me its the way it was shot in that scene in particular, not the action itself.

I meant like the scene itself I didn't have a problem with, just the fact that it was in this show because the way it was filmed doesn't match the aesthetic of the show. This show looks a certain way and that didn't look like it to me even though I mostly liked the on its own.