Isadora Basson

Yeah but he was late, he was dealing with Zoom and apologized to Oliver about it.

Yeah I'm pretty convinced it's going to be Thea. For many reasons including the fact that if Felicity died, one Barry would definitely have been there, two Oliver would almost certainly revert to blaming himself for what happened (as though his feelings last season were justified), and three I really don't see them

Yeah, especially by pointing out how it would essentially just be a repeat of last season. They have some awareness and are actually trying to do some things different and unexpected, which is good because the whole point tis that Oliver is doing things differently now.

Also, she can apparently effortlessly jump off buildings now?

Yeah watching Darhk and Oliver interacting at the gala and the speech at the end was really fun.

I know, I can sort of get where they're going with some of the flashbacks, but they've really stalled lately and that scene with the whipping was really hard to watch, we get it, we've already seen him do plenty of awful stuff, even just this season. I'm really hoping they make it relevant soon.

I felt like even the lighting was better.

I was kind if glad that they had Ray stop by in the fight of a bit. Not because I really care about seeing him, but just because it frustrates me so much when they have an obvious ally/resource and don't use it for no other reason then it's not the story they want to tell. Plus they didn't pay that much attention to

That show would be great because then everyone who insists she's great can go watch her somewhere else and we don't have to see them trying to give her dimension. I don't dislike her quite as much as I did in season 2, but only in smaller doses. When they try to give her more serious stories they always feel so

Yeah that was a bit jarring because it looked so different to how the show is normally shot. That scene could have worked well, but I just don't feel like it matches the style of the show.

This episode was great for advancement of the Darhk storyline. We got a fair amount more insight, without it feeling like they are burning through the story not leaving anything for later. A big problem last year was they spent so much time building up the league and Ras as this indefeatble foe, but we never really

The way Aya Cash has been portraying Gretchen this season has been phenomenal. They've asked her to do a lot of things and she has done them so well. Most people's attempt to look apathetic would probably be awful, she manages to make it seem like she sucks the energy right out of the room.

That just kept making me laugh the more I thought about it.

I mean Lindsay has been pretty supportive. She doesn't really know what to do but she's trying to be there for her, its not impossible but also, yeah a lot of people can't handle it.

On one hand I'm really excited for the last two episodes because the way this season has progressed means its probably going to be great and satisfying in a totally depressing and unsatisfying way (does that make any sense), but also that means I won't have more of this show for ages and it sucks because this is one

That moment I was terrified of what she might do, even though I know this show isn't gonna go that dark, but in the moment I kind of forgot that because the look in her eyes was so dead that it was kind of believable that she might do anything.

I think she's not letting him in because she's scared he won't understand, will try to fix her or run away. So by totally closing off to him she creates more distance, it makes them both feel worse, and eventually he does leave. Not saying I'm blaming her, because she's not doing it on purpose but that's effectively

Edgar's story this week wasn't that great, but them making up at the end made it worth it because it was really sweet and made it so at least something didn't end in disaster.

Although the thing about the way they did it, his relationship status is so unclear at the moment. Yeah they didn't formally break up but she also made it pretty clear she didn't want him anywhere near her. Add some alcohol and the frustration built up over this season and it's easy to see where he's coming from. Not

At least we can take comfort in the fact that Jimmy's dad didn't buy bullets.