Wow, I feel so sorry for you.
Wow, I feel so sorry for you.
My son goes to school in Waco, not Baylor. He says that this is typical of Baylor. He got a DUI, even after we had multiple discussions about the evils of drinking and driving, and has community service, costs of 7 grand, etc. Not saying DUIs should be taken lightly, but FFS it shouldn’t be more than rape, drugging…
Omg remember poor Anne Hathaway? Like I get it, she’s a tad annoying in that theater geek kinda way but holy shit if you knew nothing about her and stumbled onto Jez at that time you’d think she murdered puppies for sport.
I will never understand the full out Jennifer Lawrence hatred on this site. Except for the whole “build a woman up simply to tear her down piece by piece immediately after” mentality that unfortunately infects this place all too often. It’s gross and I hate it.
Is the Money can’t buy you class joke too old?
Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.
Hey, why fight the patriarchy when there are so many easy targets to spit at?
As my Daddy used to say - close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
Thanks. We often learn our most important lessons while being assholes.
There’s no shame in not knowing. We all started as idiotic babies who didn’t know a thing. No shame. You were taught and changed. That’s more important and impressive than people who have been taught since birth or whatever. Good on you.
So that’s why Greenwald has been on a twitter spree recently. He is freaking the fuck out about all this information coming out.
i like this, and i like you. this is exactly the kind of scenario spinning analysis i love. come work with me so we can do this on our coffee breaks.
I’m glad she didn’t cancel and she used the phrase “zero tolerance”.
He and his dad have been tireless in their fundraising for Puerto Rico since the hurricane. Their non-profit has donated over $2 million dollars to Puerto Rican organizations helping the island recover.
I know next to nothing about Hamilton, but I adore Lin-Manuel. I was introduced to him through one of my favorite podcasts, and now I follow him on twitter, and he’s just such a nice guy so far as I can tell. I’m not surprised he’s doing this, and I hope it goes well and helps bring attention and funding where it is…
Yeah, she was probably so terrified after the first experience that her mind invented one that was even worse. I’ve had sleep paralysis before and it’s legitimately the most terrifying feeling I’ve ever had.
Huh, my favourite magician has always been Harry Houdidn’tgrabmyass.
I feel you. A woman from my past outed herself on Facebook as not being supportive of a friend who had been raped, in response to a New York Times article she’s read on perps/enablers outing themselves. That friend was me. She didn’t name names but anyone who knew us both would know. I was alright through “grab them…
This happened with an extremely smart friend of mine and the podcast Limetown and she didn’t believe it was fake until I showed her the clip from the NY Times that flat out said. The funny part was that was how she had found the podcast in the first place but she only read half the description.