Assuming you’re not being sarcastic, thanks!
Assuming you’re not being sarcastic, thanks!
I get that. It’s gotten so dense already with all the plots, characters, locations, and concepts, I’ve wondered how accessible it’s been for newbies.
I’m really hoping that what happens with Egwene and the Seanchan will be a big turning point for both the character and the actor.
Yep. It’s very skippable.
I’m enormously biased because Rand’s my favorite character, but my intended point is that Rand starts to become really terrifying and unhinged from Crown of Swords onward up until the end of TGS. (And I love the resolution of his arc in TGS.)
You can pretty well skip Crossroads of Twilight. Knife of Dreams starts to resolve some things and is decent. The last three books are all very worth reading.
You’ve nailed one of the reasons I didn’t like them making Moiraine the main character last season.
Better that than six seasons of Perrin trying to rescue Faile from the Shaido Aiel.
I’m crossing my fingers for a big showdown Rand v. Ishamael over Falme w/ the Horn of Valere and all that.
Perrin also has the wolf plotline playing out. This is hugely important to his character. It’s not like he has nothing going on.
My guess/hope is that we’re about to see Egwene captured by the Seanchan, at which point we will learn way more about just how little agency the damane truly have.
As a long-time book reader, there are a number of changes they’ve made that I’ve quite enjoyed.
According to a piece done by EW, the producers very much had Once More With Feeling on their mind and viewed it as the benchmark to aspire to.
Once More With Feeling is indisputably number one.
Iirc, Vince Gilligan said something like his best writing for Breaking Bad came when he and the writers were backed into a creative corner and had to find their way out.
Personally, I would add Person of Interest to the list of shows that are inheritors to the X-Files mantle. Like X-Files, it has a fluid premise that allows for a pretty broad range of tones from one week to the next, it has a largely unprecedented mash-up of genres (scifi, procedural, crime drama, superhero), it…
I didn’t say it was a problem with the game. I said it wasn’t my thing.
Yeah, the satire in Outer Worlds wasn’t really my thing. But I’m the kind of person who, by and large, prefers my scifi to be serious.
I am curious to see how this pans out in comparison to No Man’s Sky (and not in competition - I think both games will be distinct enough, and there’s plenty of room for more than one player on this field). NMS has sometimes struggled with the inherent repetition that comes with ‘there’s an infinite number of worlds to…
Fwiw, I’ve played it since launch, I’m on my newest playthrough, and there’s still a ton of freedom to play as you like. If you don’t want to basebuild but just forever explore out into new star systems just for the heck of it, that possibility is still very present.