Unpopular opinion but I loved the Shakespeare in the Park production. Amy Adams, Sarah Stiles, Jessie Mueller, and Donna Murphy were all fantastic. And I really enjoyed the child-as-narrator thing.
Unpopular opinion but I loved the Shakespeare in the Park production. Amy Adams, Sarah Stiles, Jessie Mueller, and Donna Murphy were all fantastic. And I really enjoyed the child-as-narrator thing.
All of the things you're talking about as disappointments have been known for over a year now? So I'm not sure how that would be news to anybody paying attention. Specifically, the cutting of the narrator and the changing of tense in On the Steps have been heavily discussed and written about. Sondheim himself has…
No one is saying that. I'm saying that if you were from those two places right now at this moment in time, you would find it hard to ignore the protests or put your focus elsewhere for any extended period of time. People are on the streets and all over every night and they are no quiet. Thank god, since evidently you…
Spoken like someone who isn't from New York or Ferguson.
Uh, there are plenty of serious topics covered on Jezebel and parts of this issue have been covered here. I'm wondering why Jezebel (and Gawker) have ignored the things I specifically mentioned about the protests that haven't gotten any traction in any media anywhere.
This is very heartwarming and I'm glad to see it on your website. Maybe you could consider covering other protests.
Wow. I just feel sorry for you, honestly. I hope one day you start caring about the world you live in more than you care about being snarky on the internet. Peace.
And also there are protests every night in New York where peaceful protesters are being shot with rubber bullets, pepper sprayed, had a military sound cannon used on them, and being arrested with no cause. I will be a broken record on this because it is important and our people are dying out there and the media does…
Also, hundreds of protesters were outside the Barclays center all night being penned in and harassed by the police. Arrests were made and at least two peaceful protestors are currently being held in the 78th precinct. But please, continue not covering the protests, let's all just squeal about Beyonce.
Thanks for sharing. I wish I could've made it to Barclays, it's the first night I've had to stay in this week. I was shoved to the ground off a curb by an NYPD officer and sprained my ankle, can't walk on it at the moment. And I got off so, so easy compared to what other people have suffered out there. Even…
Yeah, I'm watching people die in the streets of the city I grew up in and call my home, wondering who will be next, and I'm a little concerned about the fact that the people speaking out about it are being beaten and arrested. That's so sanctimonious and not at all an incredibly important issue that we should be…
I completely agree. There's also a disgusting video on Twitter of a protester in NY spitting into the street and being grabbed by four or five officers and arrested, because they claimed he spat on a cop. There's, of course, very clear video showing that didn't happen but who cares, right? They can make up their own…
Nobody's saying every article has to be about that. But 0 articles have been about the police brutality at the protests all week and considering that people have had broken bones, concussions, sound cannons that cause hearing damage used on them, etc, you'd think it might be a little relevant that this is what's…
Jezebel: covering womens' issues diligently...except for women getting beaten, arrested, and pepper sprayed on the streets of New York, Berkley, Chicago, and Ferguson every single night this past week.
And the NYPD is fighting us aggressively. Tonight, they're penning us in and they're carrying tear gas, pepper spray, and rubber bullets. We need to be talking about this.
So are you guys ever going to cover the NYC protests again or...? Last night LRAD sound cannons and pepper spray were used again on peaceful protesters and even more arrests were made. We need help, we need jail support, we need the media to accurately cover what's going on out here.
Actually, there aren't. There are articles about other demonstrations. Last night was a huge change in the dynamic and there were police tactics used that are shocking and more than newsworthy. A military grade sound cannon was turned on peaceful protesters, hundreds were arrested, people were beaten and pepper…
Point very well made. Most people being arrested aren't being charged with anything, they are being held and then released the next morning with a slap on the wrist, no charges filed. The cops are arresting people right now to make a point and get some of us off the street, as of now, it seems like it is mostly for…
Thank you, same back to you. It is so incredible to see that people are in the streets all over the country. I'm glad so many people understand this is not a local issue. Yes, most recently it was New York and Ferguson, but any city could be next.
You don't have to tell me, I've voted in every election that's taken place since I turned 18. The problem is many people of my generation and especially POC haven't been given any reason to believe that the system has their best interests at heart, or that anyone has any interest in listening to their grievances.…