Classic Val!
Classic Val!
So then what is required exactly? I'm not one who buys the "omg tons of people are going to pretend to be trans to invade female spaces!!!!" but I'm curious how the administration plans to handle this. It's a sticky situation.
How does one "prove" their gender status to satisfy the admissions department? Does it require legally changed birth certificates? Devil's in the details and those provided are pretty vague.
Let's be more inclusive by pretending that there are no differences at all between biological women and trans women. We should definitely not acknowledge the unique challenges of both experiences. What about women who have no problem or prefer to be identified as Ms. or Mrs.? A trans friend of mine quite likes being…
Well, for me personally it's because I have a responsibility to care for a close relative who is in very poor health. For some, they have diseases that don't allow for them to be away from their doctor or anywhere they don't have access to life-saving medication. Some people have disabilities that make extended travel…
Um, yeah. That's a REALLY privileged, ableist thing to say, as many replies in this thread are. There genuinely are things people can be stuck with in life or have to deal with that negate their ability to live that lifestyle, no matter how badly they want to.
I think that it's very privileged and ableist to imply that anyone can travel the way that some people in this thread seem to be able to. You don't know other peoples' lives and there are certainly impediments that negate the ability to live that lifestyle, no matter how badly you want it.
Um...yeah. I'm pretty sure feeding yourself requires money and having any kind of shelter. And I'm not talking about luxury. Also, some of us are responsible for taking care of sick family members or are differently-abled. Your position is very privileged and ableist.
Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. I am most certainly not in the "don't want to" camp, but I have obligations to my family here that negate my being able to move across the country, in the form of a very ill family member who it is my job to take care of. So, please don't redirect your anger at your…
It isn't just about the cost of going, like someone said below, it's a matter of having a job where you can take that kind of time off without risking anything (by "that kind of time", I mean anything more than a couple days), and being able to afford to pay your rent while you're gone if you can't find a subletter…
Yup. Trust, if I had infinite money, I'd be all over the world in a heartbeat.
What are savings? Pics or it didn't happen.
Yeaaaah, maybe for some people. Some of us are genuinely poor, have shitty apartments with no luxuries, and can't take off work for any significant amount of time to travel. Sorry, there is a degree of cost prohibitiveness to all travel. Especially the kind described in this article.
Yeah, I'm willing to sacrifice comfort, I live in a 300 sq foot studio in NYC. Some of us cannot get time off our jobs without risking losing them. And yes, it is still "pricey", even at the cheapest rate.
Yeaaaaah. Must be nice to able to afford to do this. More rich people feminism, I guess.
Is fat a slur though? If so, what's the acceptable phrase for someone of above-average weight? I don't think anybody should be writing it on receipts but there has to be an acceptable way to describe a physical characteristic that a person has.
In NYC, people who take Ubers on days like tomorrow are just fucking stupid. Plan ahead and take the subway like a normal person. This is such a first world problem.
I'm pretty sure the NYPD are the ones pulling assumptions out of their ass to fit their narrative, and the number of people they reach when they open their mouth vs. the amount of people somebody commenting on Kinja reaches is pretty significantly different. You're right, his actions do not define this moment, and…
...I'm assuming the "can't argue with crazy" was you talking to yourself. Because...woah. Covering all facets of a story =/= covering every single news topic all at once all the time, but I hope you have a nice holiday season and maybe think about how useful hyperbole really is as a method of communicating your points
You said that Jezebel covered Michael Brown and Eric Garner as though somehow, the issue has been settled and we don't need to continue to discuss their deaths, as if our focus should become tunneled to only the deaths of the officers. The stories inform each other. They shouldn't cover one "now", as you put it, and…