
Tumblr is literally outrage culture at it’s finest. I don’t know if they are even capable of relaxing.

As a gay man, I... don’t really see a problem with this so long as it’s put into context. Out of context, I can understand the outrage. In context, I understand the scene for what it is.

tl;dr It’s just standard anime-grade Japanese weirdness, not homophobia. Everybody relax.

Except not, because the Pokemon brand is run by The Pokemon Company, whose parent company is Nintendo. For the purposes of Pokemon, Game Freak is a first-party developer.

Pro tip: If you blend in and act like you belong somewhere, most people wont think twice. This is true “almost” everywhere.

  • No online pre-orders

I would prosecute the shit out of those parents.

That’s his beach house in Fiji.

How about blocking a double parker while being able to fit in one spot yourself?

thats a clothing donation bin for a local charity......its taking up half the stall so really the truck was just doing its best.

You’re kind of ignoring audio processing and compression. That’s CPU cycles there.

The decision to boot people makes sense since you can’t play with only two people, so I don’t have any gripes about that decision.

So you get special powers for being gay? Seems legit.

The point he was trying to make is that he doesn’t want to pull a Last Guardian or Final Fantasy 7 Remake by saying that this game is in development and you won’t be playing it for a while. He says very clearly he wants to announce a game that is so far within its dev cycle that it is playable at these shows rather

It’s not play them with the touchscreen. That means somebody has to get control of that one other player, but who gets that? They get an unfair advantage.

The negative reaction to this game has been blown way out of proportion. There is even a petition to CANCEL THE GAME on and childish people are actually supporting this. Disappointment is a perfectly natural response but the level of rage has gone way beyond the gripes about Mass Effect 3’s ending.

Metroid labeling issues aside... it does look like it’d be fun with a few buddies.

Personally I thought Sony, Bethesda and Microsoft had fantastic presentations too, but up to your last paragraph you’re totally correct. People are too quick to complain about anything that doesn’t match with their expectations. Personally I’d rather be surprised.

I’ve seen you bitch in every Nintendo post today. How about you just admit you don’t like Nintendo and stop complaining that they don’t give you what YOU want. Because unless you have a sourced chart/sales numbers that prove ‘no one’ loves Mario Tennis, then sit your ass down.