
Before folks start screaming at Microsoft, NDA’s are serious business and should always be read before agreeing to them. That said, folks are crazy if they think only Microsoft has this power, Sony more then likely has this too.

Your Xbox One has been disabled due to suspected violation of the terms of our non-disclosure agreement. We have also broken your microwave, somehow. You and your whole family will now enter the Party Compliance Submission Position, and our armed Compliance Administrators will be along shortly.

I’m not really interested in Xbox too much.... mostly Nintendo.

I just ran a successful campaign. Apparently none of the cards got charged until the end - but I’m guessing for large pledges like $7k they might run them immediately, and thus the transaction was flagged...

That was Transformers... Right?

Now you’re going to get 50 replies over the next week telling you that those are not deadlifts. Have fun!

He started deadlifting Gamecubes and I just fucking died. Nintendo is great.

Grand prize confirmed.

I’m just glad Reggie uses the Power Pad the right way.

Totally agree. One of my lasting memories of Chrono Cross for the PS1 was the amazing MIDI, particularly the guitarwork. In an age where orchestrated music in a game didn’t really exist yet, this was the next best thing.

How can trolling be real if our eyes aren’t real?

It’s about announcing your ethics in journalism.

I’m sorry.


should I retweet this so I can announce the announcement of their announcement of the announcement announcement?

Holy crap! This announcement for an announcement has got me hyped for this next announcement! I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew!

We don’t cover announcements of announcements, but we WILL cover announcements of announcements of announcements.

Well I’m glad to see that kotaku has made sure to announce the announcement of an announcement of their announcements.

It’s Reggie Fils-aMac for sure.

Shame really. Had Tom pitched it to Shu it may have gone better! Props to Nintendo for believing in him.