No PC, No WiiU. I guess I have to buy a PS4 or an Xbox....
No PC, No WiiU. I guess I have to buy a PS4 or an Xbox....
I was trying to explain to my (non-gamer) girlfriend what EA was, and the second I uttered the sentence "They are the Wal-Mart of the gaming industry" she instantly understood.
6 out of 11 shut down in the past 3 years alone.
Note to all currently independent developers:
If EA approaches you about a potential purchase, RUN THE FUCK AWAY.
I think this is a perfectly valid distinction. When it comes to consoles, there's a HUGE divide between indie developers and AAA developers; Nintendo would basically not sell dev kits to independent devs, and it's only been fairly recently that Microsoft and Sony have opened the doors to garage developers. (I have a…
if anybody doesn't know. if you want those retailer exclusive amiibos, they actually aren't retailer exclusive in other countries. amiibos aren't region locked so you can import them and use them on your US systems. importing those retailer exclusive amiibos is probably alot cheaper than dealing with the scalpers.
if anybody doesn't know. if you want those retailer exclusive amiibos, they actually aren't retailer exclusive in other countries. amiibos aren't region locked so you can import them and use them on your US systems. importing those retailer exclusive amiibos is probably alot cheaper than dealing with the scalpers.
I'm just posting this for people that don't understand the confusion of the colors.
Judging by your comments here, you obviously can't tell a good game from a bad game because you rely on your precious graphics.
No it is clear that Sony doesn't have the triple AAA support they thought they did on their handheld. The PSP did well because it was well supported by First Party but look at the Vita even a year ago they stopped pushing E3 or any gaming convention with news on games to come. Bioshock Vita? An amazing idea but never…
You haven't played the game.
They have played the game.
The game is getting mediocre reviews from most people
Called it. Called it ages ago. The game is clearly a graphical showcase and nothing else - their resistance to show gameplay from the start (and when they did, it was boring TPS stuff - was a pretty obvious indicator. Sad. But my PS4 will remain lonely once more.
Actually the longshoremen want to work. It is PMA that is locking them out from working nights and weekends. This isn't a strike. It is a lockout from PMA who is blaming the slowdown on the workers yet they are not letting them work which is creating the slowdown.
Also longshoremen do not make $140k a year. Some…
It's not their education that entitles them a wage, it's their occupation.
I'm not a dockworker, but I worked in a distribution centre over the holidays while in college. It's not nearly as easy as people love to believe, and I'm astounded that in this economy people are still pretending that degree = job.
if it takes weeks to get the containers inspected and emptied onto delivery trucks, then it's almost the same as stopping. stores run out of something, and the replacement is sitting in a cargo bin behind 1000 others waiting to be taken care of. anything from overseas (not just toys/games) are affected.
I thought the developer was pretty straightforward with the message that there won't be a console version.
Pretty sure it's because of the VRAM. It has double I believe.
Its a collectible piece of hardware. There for there's only a limited production. They knew from the start that the number they were going to produce would sell out.
You're comment doesn't make sense. Nintendo did actually sell & make money from these handheld consoles.