
No, no its not. And the sooner you stop replying to me and getting your life in order the sooner you’ll be happier. Demanding features that chances are not ready yet is sure fire way to sink a console.

Now playing

No I consider people idiots and entitled because they have zero patience to wait for things.

Yet you and this entire lot of idiots seem to think that a console launching without support for a previous console is bad.. Xbox One launched at a high price and next to no content and forced Kinect, without 360 support. Sony halfassed its backwards compatibility by making you pay for games that are supposedly

What are you saying? It does have online at launch, free until the fall. How many straws do you have to grasp here to make it seem like you’re being entitled.

I get you.

Opinions man, considering the PS4 and One are siginificantly less capable than my desktop PC that plays all the same multiplats doesnt make them worth the 379.99, 399.99 and 529.99 that they are. In fact if i were to price those consoles, 200, 210 and 250.

That’s what people are making it out to be. Read the responses. Another Kotaku “spin” story of NON-issue. PS3 didnt even launch with the Playstation Store, lets just get that juicy fact out of the way...

Lets give you a good idea of what conferences are coming....

“I can happily play BotW on my Wii U, which has only marginally worse specs than the Switch anyway.”

Zelda machine? There is a lot of games coming. Has-Been Heroes looks great, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Rime, not to mention the physical release of Binding of Issac Afterbirth

I’m paying 80 dollars before taxes for the base game, you do as the gif says.

This is Nintendo not Activision or EA. The game went gold not even a week ago. You are implying this is cut content. It’s far from it.

It doesnt work like that... and it most cases these dev kits are network attached meaning they dont move

Randoms are terrible to talk to

There is only going to be 2 million in March... Thankfully I’m smart enough to have pre-ordered the console already

The fact that he trolled media shows how diluted it has become

gg well played sir

Probably be called Generations 2 here

The reason they don’t put it on main console is because it’s cheaper and easier to develop on the 3DS. Monster Hunter is Capcom’s cash cow. Charge X amount of yen or dollars per game and they recoup their cost at half retail a unit. Japan is also a mobile country with most of its sales on the 3DS and Vita. It doesn’t

Because Frontier is a purely online pay-to-win game much like Monster Hunter Online