
Compare and contrast. Best way to see what you want out of a game

I work for a site that does numbered scoring... I hate it but I have to live with it. Personally to me, I’d rather review a game, give you the pros and cons and let you decide on how to interpret the my opinion. I’m reviewing 3 different games now, and the only part I’m going to hate doing is giving them a numbered

You bring up 2Ch? The Japanese trolling site? Lol christ. I’m against a rated system for reviewing games... aka numbered and Yes/no/maybe

I generally don’t trust your opinion cause you hate everything Nintendo. Soooo there is that. The moral of the story, develop your own opinion of a game. This yes/no/maybe and numbered review system is severely flawed. You have your own opinion of the game and I’m not going to change that. But i’m in favour of

The moral of the story. you developed your own opinion that was NOT based on a review. This is why I’m against a yes/no/maybe review system. They are all flawed, just Kotaku’s is more flawed... I wish there was no numbers in the first place.

And you are white trash.

I white knight for people who seem to get swayed by shit reviews. But congrats you’re a moron it seems

Its not hard... 4 reviewers, all gave scores out of 10. Averaged out. Also if you do the math correctly that’s around a 6-7/10 which seems to be the highest review for the game, with the next highest below being a 6/10..... but I guess simplicity is good for folks like you with no opinions

Are you seriously believing Kotaku after the shit they pulled deflecting gamergate in to a feminist thing? Yeah, two can play at this game. If you don’t like my opinion, ignore it.

Kotaku LOL... they are North Americas Kotaku... oh wait that’s a bad thing. Kotaku, IGN and Gamespot... the trifecta of reviews never to trust.

Considering if you did the math... 29/40 it’s roughly a 6-7/10. But I guess having 4 opinions on the matter doesn’t count cause Koaktu’s is one opinion... let it be known to the world that 1 is greater than 4

I understand the point of a review as someone who works in gaming journalism. It’s an opinion, if you want to take Kotaku’s opinion as a verifiable fact then go ahead. I won’t and I will continue to tell people to form their own opinion by watching streams. The reviews are mixed, they arent all bad.

Do you even understand what an opinion is? Why should I talk about the “meat of the review” that you and I have read already. Excuse me for not bowing down to your expectations of a typical Kotaku sheep and having my own opinions.

Ah. Hard to tell lol. I already have people making comments on me saying how Famitsu scored it.

Famitsu has been pretty reliable as they usually score in the same range as other reviewers...

*sigh* Yet Kotaku’s “yes/no/maybe” system is any better? I don’t trust Kotaku reviews for this reason. It’s basically telling people who are too damn lazy to form their own opinion to not buy something, buy something or go “eh I’ll get it when its 10 dollars”. I don’t care what issues Kotaku has with Famitsu, all

Cant tell if joke or serious. Either way people use reviews as a means to purchase games. No one person’s opinion should change your opinion on a game.

Famitsu is a compilation of 4 reviewers, not 1. Much better than the system over here. But if you want to be a dick about it I’m prepared to sling mud

Kotaku scores... No

Cruz... real american LOL... guy denounced his Canadian citizenship to be a full fledged American... He’s funny to watch though.... Makes for good memes!