I hope the teasing is that. A few people on the gaming press site I work for really want the smaller New 3DS
I hope the teasing is that. A few people on the gaming press site I work for really want the smaller New 3DS
The game from what I heard chugs on the Vita.
Three things, don’t trust tumbler, don’t trust fan translations, and definitely not homophobic. Homophobia is the fear of homosexual people, and really... How does a game that embraces it, in a culture where its not well accepted, homophobic. That’s breaking a cultural norm... and a pretty big one at that.
Yet, its not coming to dutch countries... your point?
This just means we got a year out until its on Wii U
I still have memories of playing Killzone 1 online on my PS2.... those days were magical
A little tidbit, the building they are in also has an Activision owned studio in there too. :P
The best part, I’ve seen maybe 60 sonic amiibo in my city so far. So when people say Nintendo is artificially restricting supply and I say what are you looking for? If they say Ness, I sure as hell seen a ton of Ness in Japan
Yet, he’s right. Congrats on making yourself out to be an ass
Hey now, lets not get anal
Out of curiousity, is Trump running as an independent or a Republican?
I understand with flu vaccines. I’m personally allergic to the generic one that gets put out. As for the required ones? Christ people just vaccinate your kids. This “I deserve a choice in the matter” movement is sickening. I don’t care about your choice, I care a fuck of a lot more when you use your kids as ammo to…
Says the pot calling the kettle black
Says the person who doesn’t use grammar.
Grow up, ya fucking douche bag.... Do I have to repeat myself?
You’re still ignoring a glaring fact... AUDIO PROCESSING WHICH YOU HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA ABOUT requires CPU cycles. It requires its own dedicated portion of hte CPU. Bandwidth is not the same and you act like it’s the same. So kindly shove it all up your ass you fucking retard.
By choice no. Why would he want to either? He’d rather be on the floor where the action is. Plus he doesnt get paid that much more than any other dev there
Oh grow up ya fucking douchebag