
No, they do a mix of content. Joe only did two Nintendo videos... both got flagged. His damn fault for not following the rules.

I didn’t prove your point. In fact I believe I made a new point that those franchises copied the Nintendo formula for constant rehashed sequels.

They aren’t but they qualify as REHASHES... It’s fine you want to ride the cock of day 1 patch companies (I personally don’t care). But saying a company has the same 4 franchise being constantly re-released is untrue and in fact bias anti-Nintendo behavior.

It only applies to X many games. Joe only did this again just for the views

Doesn’t mean 41 million people watch them. How many of those people overlap? Likely quite a few million. Also Sony isn’t paying additional revenue for that coverage. Youtubers, by contract have to say they are getting paid to play a product if that is the case

Glad I found your post again! :)

I seen plenty of Youtubers that got around and followed the rules of posting Nintendo content... clearly Joe can’t and it hurts him

You don’t speak for everyone and I know plenty of Youtubers that followed the rule regarding Nintendo content... why can’t Joe? Is his shit holier than other creators? I think not

“ Same 4 games over and over again to death”

He generally does not play Nintendo content. His fans funded his Wii U so he could cover games on it. Joe really has no point to stand on because he didn’t really support Nintendo to begin with. The problem I have is that this video is purely for views and bait. He knew if he didn’t submit it to the creators program

The funny part about this. His fans funded his Wii U so he could cover Nintendo games. Then he proceeds to upload a video months after the last claims knowing full well he would get claimed just so he could make a video to bitch.... If anything Joe is slandering Nintendo unnecessarily because Joe can’t take his

I’m spreading false statements? As someone who is a critic of the service after having it I have a fucking right to have true opinions about this. Just because you don’t agree it doesn’t make you any more right to call my opinion of the service wrong. I expect an apology in your next response.

I have played the original

Good for you

I’m just glad it’s coming ever since the original never came to Wiiware. :P

Actually, most content you cant purchase for a “good” price. Besides my opinion of “free” games on PS+ is that it devalues a game. I know plenty of people who said “I’m not getting Shovel Knight until it’s free on PS+”. That game isn’t hitting PS platforms for another couple weeks people want it for free.... THAT bugs

Vita version chugs apparently

*New 3DS

Now cancel that subscription and tell me how many games you lose :)

It’s a HYBRID system with the actual licenses tied to the console. But the purchases (which is a different system are tied to a NNID) that Nintendo monitors and controls. Honestly do your research, you seem to think that things are unrecoverable and you likely got your information from people who hate Nintendo.